
出版时间:2007-5  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:王勋  页数:545  


  全国大学英语考试是由教育部高教司组织的一项大规模标准化考试,其目的是检查和督促大学英语教学大纲的实施,推动英语教学改革,进而提高英语教学质量。大学英语四级考试自于1989年9月首次主办,迄今已经十七年,每年参加考试的人数数以百万。2005年后,国家考试中心逐步对大学英语四级考试的形式进行改革使之更加科学合理化,确定从2006年开始全面采用新的考试题型,这就需要考生在复习应考的过程中不断调整自己的复习重点和策略以适应不断变化的考试需要。  从四级考试新题型结构和分值分布上看,新大纲着重考察考生的英语实际运用能力。长期从事大学英语教学与研究发现,学生掌握了一定的英语基础知识后,如阅读技巧、综合测试、写作知识等,需要通过一定的实践环节来巩固和深化所学的知识。基于当前英语学习和考试的实际情况,我们认为实践环节主要来侧重于针对性的训练。通过一定量的标准化试题训练,可以使考试理解、掌握和巩固所学的语法、词汇知识,提高阅读、写作水平,加强实际运用英语的能力,从而提高英语应试技能。  为了帮助广大在校学生和有志青年参加大学英语四级考试,根据最新大学英语四级考试指南的各项要求和规定,并参考最新相关考试的试题题型而编写《大学英语四级考试标准训练》,目的是使参加四级考试的考生能在较短的时间内恢复和提高英语水平,顺利通过考试。根据新考试指南的要求,《大学英语四级考试标准训练》中的训练题力求有一定的深度和广度,强调了知识的覆盖面,内容新颖,材料具体实用。  《大学英语四级考试标准训练》由王勋、纪飞主编,参加编写的人员还有刘乃亚、李晓红、左新杲、王多多、陈楠、秦翠丽、吴丽萍、刘树东、马启龙、王旭敏、邵舒丽、冯洁、王业伟、徐鑫、王晓旭、周丽萍等。  由于时间仓促,本丛书仍可能有不足和疏漏之处,望广大读者批评指正。


  大学英语四级考试从2007年以后将全面采用新的考试题型和计分方法,《大学英语四级考试标准训练》根据最新的大学英语四级考试指南的各项要求和规定,并参考最新相关考试的试题题型而编写,目的是使准备参加四级考试的考生能在较短的时间内熟悉和适应新的题型,采取有针对性的准备,提高英语水平,顺利通过考试。  除了听力外,全书按照考试结构分为三个部分:阅读理解、综合测试和写作三个大部分,每个部分中又包含。一些其他内容。根据考试指南要求,对每个部分的考试内容、解题方法进行讲解,并配以适量的考试训练试题。为了使考生对四级考试新题型有个全面的了解,《大学英语四级考试标准训练》还配置了考试指南和考试样卷。在内容组织上,《大学英语四级考试标准训练》充分考虑了大学英语四级考试的特点,突出了备考的针对性和实用性。  《大学英语四级考试标准训练》的主要读者对象为,准备参加大学英语四级考试的考生;同时对准备参加TOEFL考试、职称评定英语考试、公共英语等级考试和硕士研究生入学考试的考生也有参考作用。


第一部分 四级考试新题型概况一、四级考试题型的变化二、四级考试新题型包含的内容三、计分方法第二部分 阅读理解一、阅读理解考试介绍二、阅读理解的应试对策三、阅读理解技巧四、快速阅读理解技巧五、阅读理解标准训练第三部分 综合测试一、综合改错二、完形填空三、简短回答问题四、汉译英部分介绍第四部分 短文写作一、写作考试介绍二、作文考试出题类型三、写作过程中的选词、构句和段落设计四、各种题材作文经典句型和错情五、各种题材作文举例


  In 1957, a doctor in Singapore noticed that hospitals were treating an unusual number of influenza-like cases. Influenza is sometimes called "flu" or a "bad cold". He took samples from the throats of patients and in his hospital was able to find the virus of his influenza.  There are three main types of the influenza virus. The most important of these are type A and B, each of them having several subgroups. With the instruments at hospital the doctor recognized that the outbreak was due to a virus in group A, but he did not know the subgroup, then he reported the outbreak to the World Health Organization in Geneva. W. H. O. Published the important news alongside reports of a similar outbreak in Hong Kong, where about15% ~20% of the population had become ill.  As soon as the London doctors received the package of throat samples, doctors began the standard tests. They found that by reproducing itself with very high speed, the virus had grown more than a million times within two days. Continuing their careful tests, the doctors checked the effect of drugs against all the known subgroups of virus type A. None of them gave any protection. This, then, was something new, a new influenza virus, against which the people of the world had no help whatever.  Having found the virus they were working with, the two doctors now dripped it into the noses of some specially selected animals, which get influenza much as human beings do. In a short time the usual signs of the disease appeared. These experiments proved that the new vi-rues was easy to catch, but that it was not a killer. Scientists, like the general public, call it slim-ply Asian flu.  The first discovery of the virus, however, was made in China before the disease had appeared in other countries. Various reports showed that the influenza outbreak started in China, probably in February of 1957. By the middle of March it had spread all over China. The virus was found by Chinese doctors early in March. But China is not a member of the World Health Organization and therefore does not report outbreaks of disease to it. Not until two months later, when travelers carried the virus into Hong Kong, from where it spread to Singapore, did the news of the outbreak reach the rest of the world. By this time it was well started on its way around the world.





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