出版时间:2008-1 出版社:清华大学出版社 作者:马艳红 等 著 页数:58
《小学英语假期作业:寒假作业6A》配套清华大学“大、中、小学英语教学一条龙”《小学英语》6A教材。《小学英语假期作业:寒假作业6A》以丰富的内容、活泼的形式和轻松的题目,让学生在假期中接触英语、巩固所学、扩大知识面,从而巩固、提高英语水平。 《小学英语假期作业:寒假作业6A》经北京市小学英语特级教师刘莹老师审阅;清华大学附属小学的马艳红老师也对《小学英语假期作业:寒假作业6A》提出了宝贵的意见,在此表示感谢。
On Fridays, I come home from the BBC at about 2:00 in theafternoon. On Friday evenings I don't go out, but sometimes go outwith a friend for dinner. He or she brings the wine and I cook themeal. I like cooking! We listen to music or we just chat. OnSaturday mornings I get up at 9:00 and I go shopping. Then in theevenings I sometimes go to the theatre or the opera with a friend. Ilove opera! Then we eat in our favourite Chinese restaurant.On Sundays... Oh, on Sunday mornings I stay in bed late. Idon't get up until 11:00!Sometimes in the afternoon I visit my sister. She lives in thecountry and has two children. I leave early because I go to bed at8:00 on Sunday evenings!……