
出版时间:2006-12  出版社:清华大学  作者:周式中主编  页数:304  


本书参照我国高等学校英语专业教学大纲的基本要求,汲取我国历年出版的各种英语专业类教材的有益经验编写而成。在内容上作了适度的收缩、精简,侧重于研读精选课文、学习基础词汇、辨析词语用法、讲解语法应用。通过针对课文、词汇等练习,对学生进行强化训练,从而奠定学生坚实的英语基础,提高学生的英语口笔头交际的质量。    本书适合大中专院校英语专业一、二年级学生和英语爱好者使用。


Lesson One  Mother Tereas:Angel of Mercy    New Words    Proper Names    Useful Expressions    Notes to the Text    Exercises on the Text  Word Study    Vocabulary Exercises  Usage-love,mercy,charity;    raise,rise的用法比较    Usage Exercises  Grammar-不定式(the infinitive)的用法要点    Grammar ExercisesLesson Two  The Sunday School Teacher    New Words    Proper Nams    Useful Expressions    Notes to the Text    Exercises on the Text  Word Study    Vocabulary Exercises  Usage-英语方向词的用法    Usage Exercises  Grammar-动词的-ing形式(v-ing)的用法要点    Grammar ExercisesLesson Three  Thanks for Everything    New Words    Proper Names    Useful Expressions    Notes to the Text    Exercises on the Text  Word Study    Vocabulary Exercises  Usage-doubt,suspect,wonder;used bo,be used to的比较    Usage Exercises  Gremmar-动词-ed形式(v-ed)的用法要点    Grammar ExercisesLesson Four  Telling Him    New Words    Proper Names    Useful Expressions    Notes to the Text    Exercises on the Text  Word Study    Vocabulary Exercises  Usage-quick,fast,rapid,swift,express;after,later的比较    Usage Exercises  Grammar-主语(the subject)    Grammar ExercisesLesson FiveLesson SixLesson SevenLesson EigthLesson NineLesson TenLesson ElevenLesson TwelveLesson ThirteenLesson FourteenLesson FifteenAppendixes关于单词注音的说明缩略语表



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