出版时间:2006-10 出版社:清华大学 作者:格林 页数:732 译者:纪飞
雅各布·格林(Grimm J.,1785-1863)、威廉·格林(Grimm W.,1786—1859),文学史上称为“格林兄弟”,兄弟两人是德国语言学家、民俗学家、民间文学研究者,同时还是名扬世界的童话大师。
下 篇93. 铁炉子/ The Iron Stove 50394. 懒惰的纺纱妇/ The Lazy Spinner 51095. 本领高强的四个兄弟/ The Four Skilful Brothers 51396. 一只眼、两只眼和三只眼/ One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes 51897. 大拇指/ Thumbling 52798. 狐狸和马/ The Fox and the Horse 53599. 跳破了的鞋/ The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces 537100. 铁汉斯/ Iron Hans 542101. 三个黑衣公主/ The Three Black Princesses 550102. 睡美人/ Little Briar-Rose 553103. 小羊和小鱼/ The Lambkin and the Little Fish 559104. 旅行/ Going a Travelling 563105. 毛驴/ The Donkey 565106. 萝卜/ The Turnip 570107. 返老还童/ The Old Man Made Young Again 574108. 要饭的老太婆/ The Old Beggar-Woman 576109. 三个懒人/ The Three Sluggards 577110. 牧童/ The Shepherd Boy 578111. 选择未婚妻/ Looking for a Bride 580112. 麻雀和它的四个孩子/ The Sparrow and His Four Children 581113. 谜语童话/ A Riddling Tale 586114. 白玫瑰和红玫瑰/ Snow-White and Rose-Red 587115. 聪明的仆人/ The Wise Servant 595116. 大鹏/ The Griffin 597117. 强壮的汉斯/ Strong Hans 605118. 农夫进天堂/ The Peasant in Heaven 612119. 林中小屋/ The Hut In the Forest 614120. 篱笆王/ The Willow-Wren 621121. 比目鱼/ The Sole 625122. 大麻鸟和戴胜鸟/ The Bittern and the Hoopoe 627123. 月亮/ The Moon 629124. 寿命/ The Duration of Life 632125. 鞋匠师傅/ Master Pfriem 635126. 井边放鹅女/ The Goose-Girl at the Well 640127. 夏娃的孩子各不相同/ Eve抯 Various Children 650128. 池塘里的水妖/ The Nixie of the Mill-Pond 653129. 小矮人的礼物/ The Little Folks?Presents 660130. 巨人和裁缝/ The Giant and the Tailor 664131. 真正的新娘/ The True Bride 668132. 兔子和刺猬/ The Hare and the Hedgehog 676133. 纺锤、梭子和缝衣针/ The Spindle, the Shuttle and the Needle 682134. 桌子上的面包屑/ The Crumbs on the Table 686135. 鼓手/ The Drummer 687136. 麦穗/ The Ear of Corn 698137. 老林克兰克/ Old Rinkrank 700138. 水晶球/ The Crystal Ball 703139. 梅琳姑娘/ Maid Maleen 707140. 牛皮靴/ The Boots of Buffalo-Leather 714141. 金钥匙/ The Golden Key 719142. 十二使徒/ The Twelve Apostles 721143. 玫瑰/ The Rose 723144. 贫穷和屈辱可以使人上天堂/ Poverty and Humility Lead to Heaven 724145. 三根绿树枝/ The Three Green Twigs 726146. 圣母杯/ Our Lady抯 Little Glass 729147. 天堂的婚礼/ The Heavenly Wedding 730148. 榛子树/ The Hazel-Branch 732
189 纺锤、梭子和缝衣针 从前有一个姑娘,很小的时候就失去了父母。她的教母把她接到村头的一间小屋里,教她纺纱、织布和缝衣服,并教育她做一个忠厚老实的人。 她十五岁那年,教母病倒了。她把小屋留给女儿,让她靠纺锤、梭子和缝衣针过日子。她临终前祝福姑娘,虔诚会带来好运。 从此,她独自生活在小屋里,勤劳地纺纱、织布、缝衣服。由于老太太的祝福,她的屋子里的亚麻自己会多起来,而且总是有买主买去她的东西。因此她的日子并不艰难,还能施舍旁人。 这时,王子正在全国周游,想找一位既贫穷又富有的姑娘做妻子。他来到姑娘居住的村子里,村民们把最富有的姑娘介绍给他。最贫穷的姑娘就是独自住在村头小屋里的那个姑娘。 有钱的姑娘穿得漂漂亮亮地坐在门前迎接他,王子打量了她一眼,一言不发地走了过去。 他来到那个穷姑娘的门前,从窗户里看到她在纺纱。姑娘发现王子在朝她张望,羞涩地低头继续纺纱。王子骑上马一离开,她立刻打开窗户,直到王子的背影消失为止。 姑娘接着纺纱,忽然想起老太太对她说的话,于是她轻轻地哼道:“纺锤纺锤你快出去,把求婚的人领回来。”纺锤真的从她手里跳下来,朝门外飞去,拖着一根闪闪发光的金线。不一会儿,它就从她的视线里消失了。姑娘没了纺锤,拿起梭子织布。 纺锤追上了王子。他掉转马头,沿着金线往回骑。 姑娘一边织布一边唱着:“梭子梭子快织布,把求婚的人带进屋。”话音刚落,梭子从她手里蹦到了门外,在门槛前织出一块世上最漂亮的地毯。 姑娘又坐下来缝衣服,她拿起针来唱道:“缝衣针缝衣针你又尖又细,快为求婚的人把房子打扫干净。”缝衣针从她手里蹿了出去,飞快地把房间装饰一新。 缝衣针缝完最后一针,王子正好被金线引到房前。他踏过地毯,走进屋里。姑娘穿着破旧的衣服,看上去却像玫瑰一样美丽。 “你是最贫穷也是最富有的姑娘。”王子向她求婚。他带着她回到了王宫,举行了婚礼。 从此,纺锤、梭子和缝衣针被珍藏起来,受到人们的崇敬。 189 THE SPINDLE, THE SHUTTLE, AND THE NEEDLE THERE was once a girl whose father and mother died while she was still a little child. All alone, in a small house at the end of the village, dwelt her godmother, who supported herself by spinning, weaving, and sewing. The old woman took the forlorn child to live with her, kept her to her work, and educated her in all that is good. When the girl was fifteen years old, the old woman became ill, called the child to her bedside, and said: “Dear daughter, I feel my end drawing near. I leave you the little house, which will protect you from wind and weather, and my spindle, shuttle, and needle, with which you can earn your bread.” Then she laid her hands on the girls head, blessed her, and said: “Only preserve the love of God in your heart, and all will go well with you.” Thereupon she closed her eyes, and when she was laid in the earth, the maiden followed the coffin, weeping bitterly, and paid her the last mark of respect. And now the maiden lived quite alone in the little house, and was industrious, and spun, wove, and sewed, and the blessing of the good old woman was on all that she did. It seemed as if the flax in the room increased of its own accord, and whenever she wove a piece of cloth or carpet, or had made a shirt, she at once found a buyer who paid her amply for it, so that she was in want of nothing, and even had something to share with others. About this time, the son of the King was travelling about the country looking for a bride. He was not to choose a poor one, and did not want to have a rich one. So he said: “She shall be my wife who is the poorest, and at the same time the richest.” When he came to the village where the maiden dwelt, he inquired, as he did wherever he went, who was the richest and also the poorest girl in the place. They first named the richest; the poorest, they said, was the girl who lived in the small house quite at the end of the village. The rich girl was sitting in all her splendour before the door of her house, and when the prince approached her, she got up, went to meet him, and made him a low curtsy. He looked at her, said nothing, and rode on. When he came to the house of the poor girl, she was not standing at the door, but sitting in her little room. He stopped his horse, and saw through the window, on which the bright sun was shining, the girl sitting at her spinning-wheel, busily spinning. She looked up, and when she saw that the prince was looking in, she blushed all over her face, let her eyes fall, and went on spinning. I do not know whether, just at that moment, the thread was quite even; but she went on spinning until the Kings son had ridden away again. Then she went to the window, opened it, and said: “It is so warm in this room!” and she looked after him as long as she could distinguish the white feathers in his hat. Then she sat down to work again in her room and went on with her spinning, and a saying which the old woman had often repeated when she was sitting at her work, came into her mind, and she sang these words to herself: Spindle, my spindle. haste, haste thee away, And here to my house bring the wooer, I pray.