出版时间:2006-10 出版社:清华大学 作者:格林 页数:626 译者:纪飞
雅各布·格林(Grimm J.,1785-1863)、威廉·格林(Grimm W.,1786-1859),文学史上称为“格林兄弟”,兄弟两人是德国语言学家、民俗学家、民间文学研究者,同时还是名扬世界的童话大师。格林兄弟的经历类似,早年学习法律,后来共同研究德国文化史和语言学,是日耳曼语言学的奠基人。他们共同搜集、整理、研究德国民间故事、传说和童话,出版多部童话故事和传说等著作,而《格林童话》是其中的典型代表。《格林童话》原名为《格林兄弟所收集的给孩子与家庭的故事》,这些童话故事伴随着一代又一代人的美丽童年、少年直至成年,其中《小红帽》、《白雪公主》、《灰姑娘》、《青蛙王子》、《大拇指》、《睡美人》、《聪明的小裁缝》等已成为世界童话宝库中的经典。《格林童话》问世100多年来,至今已被译成世界上140多种文字,而其中的中文译本更是不计其数。国内引进的《格林童话》读本主要集中在两个方面:一种是中文翻译版,另一种中英文对照版。而其中的中英文对照读本比较受青少年读者的欢迎,这主要是得益于中国人热衷于学习英文的大环境。而从英文学习的角度上来看,直接使用纯英文的学习资料更有利于英语学习。考虑到对英文内容背景的了解有助于英文阅读,使用中文导读应该是一种比较好的方式,也可以说是该类型书的第三种版本形式,这也是我们编写本书的主要原因。采用中文导读而非中英文对照的方式进行编排,这样有利于国内读者摆脱对英文阅读依赖中文注释的习惯。在中文导读中,我们尽力使其贴近原作的精髓,也尽可能保留原作简洁、精练、明快的风格,丰满、艳丽的形象。我们希望能够编出为当代中国青少年读者所喜爱的经典读本。读者在阅读英文故事之前,可以先阅读中文导读内容,这样有利于了解故事背景,从而加快阅读速度。本书主要内容由纪飞、刘乃亚编译。参加本书故事素材搜集整理及编译工作的还有郑佳、王勋、赵雪、左新杲、黄福成、冯洁、徐鑫、马启龙、王业伟、王旭敏、陈楠、王多多、邵舒丽、周丽萍、王晓旭、李永振、孟宪行、熊红华、胡国平、熊建国、徐平国、王小红等。限于我们的文学素养和英语水平,书中一定会有一些不当之处,我们衷心希望读者朋友批评指正。
雅各布·格林(Grimm J.,1785-1863)、威廉·格林(Grimm W.,1786—1859),文学史上称为“格林兄弟”,兄弟两人是德国语言学家、民俗学家、民间文学研究者,同时还是名扬世界的童话大师。
中 篇46. 两兄弟/ The Two Brothers 25347. 小农夫/ The Little Peasant 27448. 蜂王/ The Queen Bee 28149. 三根羽毛/ The Three Feathers 28450. 金鹅/ The Golden Goose 28851. 白雪公主/ Little Snow-White 29352. 杂毛姑娘/ Allerleirauh 30553. 兔子的新娘/ The Hare抯 Bride 31254. 十二个猎人/ The Twelve Huntsmen 31555. 约琳德和约林格尔/ Jorinda and Joringel 31956. 六个好汉闯遍天下/ How Six Men Got on in the World 32257. 狼和狐狸/ The Wolf and the Fox 32858. 狐狸和猫/ The Fox and the Cat 33159. 紫丁香/ The Pink 33360. 聪明的格蕾特尔/ Clever Gretel 33861. 爷爷和孙子/ The Old Man and His Grandson 34162. 水妖/ The Water-Nixie 34363. 小母鸡之死/ The Death of the Little Hen 34564. 赌徒汉斯/ Gambling Hansel 34865.幸运的汉斯/ Hans in Luck 35266. 汉斯结婚/ Hans Married 35967. 金童/ The Gold-Children 36168. 穷人和富人/ The Poor Man and the Rich Man 36769. 放鹅女/ The Goose-Girl 37370. 矮人精/ The Gnome 38171. 乌鸦/ The Raven 38672. 聪明的农家姑娘/ The Peasant抯 Wise Daughter 39273. 三只小鸟/ The Three Little Birds 39774. 生命之水/ The Water of Life 40375. 万事通医生/ Doctor Knowall 41176. 瓶子里的妖精/ The Spirit in the Bottle 41577. 鹪鹩和熊/ The Willow-Wren and the Bear 42078. 香甜的米粥/ Sweet Porridge 42379. 一群聪明人/ Wise Folks 42580. 蛤蟆的故事/ Tales of the Paddock 43181. 可怜的磨坊学徒和猫/ The Poor Miller抯 Boy and the Cat 43482. 两个旅伴/ The Two Travellers 43983. 本领高强的猎人/ The Skillful Huntsman 45184. 两个国王的孩子/ The Two Kings?Children 45785. 聪明的小裁缝/ The Cunning Little Tailor 46686. 蓝灯/ The Blue Light 47087. 任性的孩子/ The Wilful Child 47688. 三个学徒/ The Three Apprentices 47789. 无所畏惧的王子/ The King抯 Son Who Feared Nothing 48290. 森林中的老太婆/ The Old Woman in the Wood 489
72.狼和人 The Wolf and the Man 有一次,狐狸对狼讲到人的厉害,说动物必须施诡计,才能在人面前保住性命。狼不相信,说如果遇到人就要袭击他。 第二天,狐狸把狼带到猎人每天经过的路上。先来了一个退役老兵,狐狸告诉狼他曾经是一个人。又来了一个小男孩,狐狸又说他即将成为一个人。最后,猎人来了,狐狸告诉狼这就是人,然后就回洞了。 狼向那人扑去,那人用霰弹朝狼脸上打了一枪,狼扭歪了脸,却没被吓住。猎人又给了它一枪,并抽出那把锃亮的长猎刀,朝它左右各砍了一刀结果,他浑身是血,哀嚎着逃回到狐狸那儿。 Once upon a time the fox was talking to the wolf of the strength of man; how no animal could withstand him, and how all were obliged to employ cunning in order to protect themselves from him. Then the wolf answered: "If I had but the chance of seeing a man for once, I would set on him not withstanding." "I can help you to do that," said the fox. "Come to me early tomorrow morning and I will show you one."The wolf presented himself betimes, and the fox took him out on the road by which the huntsmen went daily. First came an old discharged soldier. "Is that a man?" inquired the wolf. "No," answered the fox, "that was one." Afterwards came a little boy who was going to school. "Is that a man? No, that will be one." At length came a hunter with his double barrelled gun at his back, and hanger by his side. Said the fox to the wolf: "Look, there comes a man, you must attack him, but I will take myself off to my hole." The wolf then rushed on the man. When the huntsman saw him he said:"It is a pity that I have not loaded with a bullet," aimed, and fired his small shot in his face. The wolf pulled a very wry grimace, but did not let himself be frightened, and attacked him again, on which the huntsman gave him the second barrel. The wolf swallowed his pain and rushed on the huntsman,but he drew out his bright hanger,and gave him a few cuts with it right and left, so that, bleeding everywhere, he ran howling back to the fox. "Well, brother wolf," said the fox, "how have you got on with man? Ah!" replied the wolf, "I never imagined the strength of man to be what it is! First, he took a stick from his shoulder, and blew into it, and then something flew into my face which tickled me terribly; then he breathed once more into the stick, and it flew into my nose like lightning and hail; when I was quite close, he drew a white rib out of his body, and he beat me so with it that I was all but left lying dead.""See what a braggart you are !" said the fox. "You throw your hatchet so far that you cannot fetch it back again!"