出版时间:2006-7 出版社:清华大学出版社 作者:(日本)稻垣道夫、(中国)康飞宇/国别:中国大陆 页数:610 字数:910000
作者:(日本)稻垣道夫 康飞宇
1 Introduction 1.1 Carbon Materials 1.2 Short History of Carbon Materials References 1.3 Classic Carbons, New Carbons and Nanocarbons 1.3.1 Classic carbons 1.3.2 New carbons 1.3.3 Nanocarbons References 1.4 Construction and Purposes of the Present Book2 Fundamentals of Carbon Materials 2.1 Carbon Families 2.1.1 Carbon?carbon bonds 2.1.2 Carbon families 2.1.3 Relations to neighboring atoms 2.2 Structure and Texture of Carbon Materials 2.2.1 Structure 2.2.2 Structural development with heat treatment(Carbonization and graphitization) 2.2.3 Nanotexture 2.2.4 Microtexture(Agglomeration) References 2.3 Nanotexture Development in Carbon Materials(Carbonization) 2.3.1 Formation processes of carbon materials 2.3.2 Gas phase carbonization 2.3.3 Solid phase carbonization 2.3.4 Liquid phase carbonization References 2.4 Novel Techniques for Carbonization 2.4.1 Template method 2.4.2 Polymer blend method 2.4.3 Pressure carbonization 2.4.4 High yield carbonization 2.4.5 Low temperature carbonization References 2.5 Structural Development in Carbon Materials(Graphitization) 2.5.1 Structure parameters 2.5.2 Graphitization behavior 2.5.3 Carbon materials with planar orientation 2.5.4 Carbon materials with axial orientation 2.5.5 Carbon materials with point orientation 2.5.6 Carbon materials with random orientation 2.5.7 Relations among structure parameters 2.5.8 Graphitization process 2.5.9 Graphitizing and non?graphitizing carbons 2.5.10 Heterogeneous graphitization(Multiphase graphitization) References 2.6 Acceleration of Graphitization 2.6.1 Catalytic graphitization 2.6.2 Stress graphitization 2.6.3 Graphitization of exfoliated carbon fibers References 2.7 Pore Development in Carbon Materials 2.7.1 Pores in carbon materials 2.7.2 Identification of pores in carbon materials……3 Engineering and Applications of Carbon MaterialsReferencesAcknowledgementsSubject Indexes
It has to be pointed out that the authors could not refer to all papers on carbonmaterials published in huge numbers of journals, and actually the authors did notintend to do so. The authors would like to give an overview on fundamentals ofscience and engineering of carbon materials from the point of view of structure andtexture. If the readers can get a general view on carbon materials and the fundamentalconcepts to understand and to study the carbon materials, it will be a great pleas-ure for the authors. In addition, the authors would like to ask all readers that referring to the original papers cited in this book, and also to many related papers,which were not cited in this book, is strongly suggested in order to understand inmore details. It has to be emphasized here once more that all published papers arenot cited in this book and that even many interesting and important papers aremissing here. One carbon material has different aspects. For an example, porous carbonswere produced through different processes, from carbonization of thermosettingprecursors associated with activation, through the template method without activation, from aerogels, from the carbonization of thermoplastic precursors, throughexfoliation of graphite via intercalation compounds, etc. The porous carbons thusprepared have a wide range of pores from rrucropores to macropores, and as a consequence are applied in various fields for adsorbents of various molecules, molecular sieving, storage of methane and hydrogen, sorption of viscous heavy oils,electrodes of electric double layer capacitors, etc. For another example, exfoliatedgraphite was used as the raw materials for flexible graphite sheets, which were applied in various fields of industries, but it is recently found to be a good sorbentfor heavy oils, a support for various catalyst metals, and also a raw material formetal carbides. Because of these reasons, porous carbons and exfoliated graphiteare explained in different chapters and sections in the present book. All carbonmaterials are in exactly the same situation. Therefore, the readers are strongly re-quested to read through whole parts of the present book first, even though they areinterested in a specialized carbon material, then to visit the sections which arewritten on the specified carbon material, and then the original papers cited and also those not cited in the present book. ……