
出版时间:2006-7  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:施图本,  页数:668  


像柬埔寨吴哥窟这样的古代建筑,代表了旧时的君主与皇帝在倾全国之力实施大型项目上的智慧。考古学家认为,在国王苏利亚瓦曼(Suryavarman 1112-1152 A.D.)二世时,吴哥窟及同期建筑既服务于佛教徒,也用于穆斯林的祈祷。与当年一言九鼎的君王不同,今天的项目管理人员在实施大大小小的项目时,受制于有限的资源和时间时限。本书正是面向这些必须在复杂社会和组织中进行成功项目管理的人们。


NomenclaturePrefaceAbout the Authors1 Introduction  1.1 Nature of Project Managment  1.2 Relationship Between Projects and Other Production Systems  1.3 Characteristics of Prejects    1.3.1 Definitions and Issues    1.3.2 Risk and Uncertainty    1.3.3 Phases of a Project    1.3.4 Organizing for a Project  1.4 Project Manager    1.4.1 Basic Functions    1.4.2 Characteristics of Effective Project Managers  1.5 Components,Concepts,and Terminology  1.6 Movement to Prject-Based Word  1.7 Life Cycle of a Project:Strategie and Tactiocal Issues  1.8 Factors that Affect the Success of a Project  1.9 About the Book:Purpose and Strcture  Team Project  Discussion Questions  Exerciese  BibliographyAppendix 1A:Engineering Versus Management  1A.1 Nature of Management  1A.2 Differences between Engineering and Management  1A.3 Transition from Engineer ot Manager  References2 Process Approach to Project Management  2.1 Introducton    2.1.1 Life-Cycle Models    2.1.2 Example of a Project Life Cycle    2.1.3 Application of the Waterfall Model for Software Development    ……3 Engineering Economic Analysis4 Life-Cycle Costing5 Project Screening and Selection6 Multiple Crieria Methods for Evaluation7 Scope and Organizational Structure of a Project8 Management fo Product,Process,and Support Design9 Project Scheduling10 Resource Management11 Project Budget12 Project Control13 Research and Development Projects14 Computer Support for Project Management15 Project TerminationIndex




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  •   跟翻译版的一起买来练英语的。书内有很多算法还是很经典的。但是,也有一些内容有些out了,不能与时代对接。
  •   挺好的一本书,但不适合做教材,哎

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