
出版时间:2006-9  出版社:清华大学  作者:曲 编  页数:418  


木门共有两卷。此为第1卷,包含20章,主要提供了有关中分辨串成像光谱仪(MODIS)产品的信息和科学应用,介绍了美国国家极轨环境卫系统(NPOESS)和NPOESS预备计划(NPP),还探讨厂其他卫星遥感装备和应用。有关数据格式、数据处理、数据查询和订购等方面的内容在第2卷中给出。    本卷论及美国宁航局(NSA)用于监测和探测地球变化的主要卫星系统——地球观测系统(EOS),EOS包括的卫星Terra、Aqua和Aura及其装载的MODIS、AIRS、AMSU、AMSR-E、OMI等遥感仪器,并讨论厂NPP将携带的4个NPOESS系统重要部件:可见光红外成像辐射组件(VIIRS),航线交叉红外探测器(CrIS),先进技术微波探测器(ATMS)以及臭氧成图和廓线仪装置(OMPS),可用于研究地球气候环境和天气变化。    本书作者均为相关领域具有权威性的专家与学者。图书内容既包括现代遥感技术的基础知识,义涉及卫星遥感的前沿领域,有广泛的实用性,可作为遥感、地学、环境、空间信息等地球科学领域的专业参考书。


Prof. John J. Qu is a faculty member of the ESGS department at the school of Computational Sciences and is Technical Director of EastFIRE Lab at George Mason University. He is also with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center to support the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) mission. His major research areas are satellite remote sensing, Earth systems science, fire science and GIS applications.


List of Contributors xv1 Introduction to Science and Instruments 2 Introduction to MODIS and an Overview of Associated Activities 3  MODIS Level-lB Products 4 MODIS Geolocation 5 Introduction to MODIS Cloud Products 6 MODIS Observation of Aerosol Loading from 2000 to 2004 7 MODIS Land Products and Data Processing 8 Operational Atmospheric Correction of MODIS Visible to Middle Infrared Land Surface Data in the Case of an Infinite ambertian Target 9 MODIS Snow and Sea Ice Products 10 The NPOESS Preparatory Project 11 The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite 12 Conically Scanned Microwave Imager Sounder 13 Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder 14 Introduction to AIRS and CrIS 15 The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite 16 Estimating Solar UV-B Irradiance at the Earth's Surface Using Multi-Satellite Remote Sensing Measurements 17 Surface Rain Rates from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Satellite Algorithms 18 Use of Satellite Remote Sensing Data for Modeling Carbon Emissions from Fires: A 19 TRMM Fire Algorithm, Product and Applications 20 China's Current and Future Meteorological Satellite Systems Index




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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   该书没有在具体问题上深入讨论,但是在学科领域很权威,是一本遥感方面的好书
  •   介绍比较系统,专业性强,很好。但是也有些简略。对于大致地了解整体情况还是有益的。
  •   此书印刷质量高,内容全面,不过题目可能大力点,主要是MODIS的介绍

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