
出版时间:2005-9  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:周式中  页数:244  


本书参照我国高等学校英语专业教学大纲的基本要求,汲取我国历年出版的各种英语专业类教材的有益经验编写而成。在内容上作了适度的收缩、精简,侧重于研读精选课文、学习基础词汇、辨析词语用法、讲解语法应用。通过针对课文、词汇等练习,对学生进行强化训练,从而奠定学生坚实的英语基础,提高学生的英语口语及写作水平。  本书适合大中专院校英语专业学生和英语爱好者使用。


Lesson One	 The English Language: Then and Now	  Words and Expressions	  Notes		  Exercises on the Text	 Word Study	  Vocabulary Exercises	 Grammer	  (一)数量词语的用法	  (二)句法概要	  Grammar Exercises	 The English Language:Basic Terms	Lesson Two	 Academic Integrity —A Letter to My Students (I)	  Words and Expressions	  Notes		  Exercises on the Text	 Word Study	  Vocabulary Exercises	 Grammar	  (一)表示“参加”的词语的用法比较	  (二)名词的分类及数的形式	  Grammar Exercises	 The Campus	Lesson Three	 Academic Integrity —A Letter to   My Students (II)	  Words and Expressions	  Notes to the Text	  Exercises on the Text	 Word Study	  Vocabulary Exercises	 Grammar	  (一)与“课”有关的词语用法比较	  (二)各类名词数的用法要点	  Grammer Exercises	 The University	Lesson Four	 Saving Money for College by Myself	  Words and Expressions	  Notes		  Exercises on the Text	 Word Study	  Vocabulary Exercises	 Grammar	  (一)let, allow, permit, tolerate的用法比较	  (二)冠词的基本用法	  Grammar Exercises	 American Institutions of Education	Lesson Five	 Where to Go after School? —Universities and Colleges in Britain (I)	  Words and Expressions	  Notes		  Exercises on the Text	 Word Study	  Vocabulary Exercises	 Grammar	  (一)say, tell, talk, speak, chat的用法比较	  (二)冠词的特殊用法	  Grammar Exercises	 British Universities	Lesson Six	Lesson Seven	Lesson Eight	Lesson Nine	Lesson Ten	Lesson Eleven	Lesson Twelve	Lesson Thirteen	Lesson Fourteen	Lesson Fifteen	Appendixes



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