
出版时间:2005-7  出版社:第1版 (2005年7月1日)  作者:巴德  页数:587  


本书最大的特点是,首先定义了抽象数据类型(ADT),然后在此基础上介绍了数据结构的各种概念和知识。这样,读者的注意力不是放在数据结构内部的具体实现,而是集中于其外在功能接口与特性,使读者可以在较短的时间内学会如何使用Java语言本身提供的数据结构。    本书的示例都只给出关键的语句而忽略细节部分,其源代码可以从http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~budd/books/jds/下载,这不仅使得本书的结构紧凑、可读性强,而且可以避免读者对本书的依赖,养成独立思考、勤于动手的习惯,有利于读者对数据结构知识的理解和掌握。    本书可以作为大中专院校的数据结构教学用书。


PREFACE XV1 THE MANAGEMENT OF COMPLEXITY   1.1 The Control of Complexity   1.2 Abstraction, Information Hiding, and Layering  1.3 Division into Parts   1.4 Composition   1.5 Layers of Specialization   1.6 Multiple Views   1.7 Patterns   1.8 Chapter Summary   Further Information   Study Questions   Exercises   Programming Projects 2 ABSTRACT DATA TYPES   2.1 What Is a Type?   2.2 Abstract Data Types   2.3 The Fundamental ADTs   2.4 Chapter Summary   Further Information   Study Questions   Exercises   Programming Projects 3 ALGORITHMS   3.1 Characteristics of Algorithms   3.2 Recipes as Algorithms   3.3 Analyzing Computer Algorithms   3.4 Recursive Algorithms   3.5 Chapter Summary   Further Information   Study Questions   Exercises   Programming Projects 4 EXECUTION-TIME MEASUREMENT   4.1 Algorithmic Analysis and Big-Oh Notation   4.2 Execution Time of Programming Constructs   4.3 Summing Algorithmic Execution Times   4.4 The Importance of Fast Algorithms   4.5 Benchmarking Execution Times   4.6 Chapter Summary   Further Information   Study Questions   Exercises   Programming Projects 5 INCREASING CONFIDENCE IN CORRECTNESS   5.1 Program Proofs   5.2 Program Testing   5.3 Chapter Summary   Further Information   Study Questions   Exercises   Programming Projects 6 VECTORS   6.1 The Vector Data Structure   6.2 Enumeration   6.3 Application-Silly Sentences   6.4 Application-Memory Game   6.5 Application-Shell Sort   6.6 A Visual Vector   6.7 Chapter Summary   Further Information   Study Questions   Exercises   Programming Projects 7 SORTING VECTORS   7.1 Divide and Conquer   7.2 SortedVectors   7.3 Merge Sort   7.4 Partitioning   7.5 Chapter Summary   Further Information   Study Questions   Exercises   Programming Projects 8 LINKED LISTS   8.1 Varieties of Linked Lists   8.2 LISP-Style Lists   8.3 The LinkedList Abstraction   8.4 Application-Asteroids Game   8.5 Application-Infinite-Precision Integers   8.6 Chapter Summary   Further Information   Study Questions   Exercises   Programming Projects 9 LIST VARIATIONS ……10 STACKS 11 DEQUES 12. QuEuEs 13 TREES 14 BINARY SEARCH TREES 15 PRIORITY QUEUES 16 HASH TABLES 17 MAPS 18 SETS 19 MATRICES 20 GRAPHS APPENDIX A JAVA SYNTAX APPENDIX B IMPORT LIBRARIES APPENDIX C DATA STRUCTURES IN THE JAVA STANDARD LIBRARY BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX




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