
出版时间:2005-5  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:程代展等  页数:331  


Partc1 Nonlinear Systems and Robust Control On Port Controlled Hamiltonian Systems   D.Chcng,R.Ortega,and E.Panteley Recursive Design for Adaptive Stabilizing Control-ler of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems  X.Jiao,Y.Sun,and T.Shen Robust Input-to-State Stability and Small Gain Theorem for Nonlinear Systems Containing Time-Varying Uncertainty  Z.Chen and J.Huang A Survey on the Stabilization Control for Stochastic Nonlinear Systems  Y.Liu,and J.Zhang Nonlinear Control of A Class of Differential-Algebraic Equation Systems  S.Mei,F.Liu,and Q.Lu Optimal Design of Grazing Behavior for Multi-Agent Robots  X.Hu,Y.Huang,and D.ChengPartc2 Nonsmooth and Switched System Control  Stability Analysis and Adaptive Controller Design for a Class of Nonsmooth Systems  T.Nakakuki,T.Shen,Y.Mutoh and K.Tamura Non-smooth Finite-time Stabilization for A Class of Nonlinear System  Y.Hong,and J.Wang L2-gain Analysis and Control Synthesis for Discrete-time Switched Systems with State Delay  G.Xie,Q.Fu,and L.Wang Robust Control for Discrete-time Switched Systems with Uncertainty  S.Chcn,Y.Yao,and F.HePartc3 Adaptive Control and EstimationPartc4 Applications of Nonlinear and Adaptive Contro



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