
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:安德森  页数:157  


This book provides a concise treatment of topics in complex analysis, suitable for a one-semester course. It is an outgrowth of lectures given by the author over the last ten years at the University of Göteborg and Chalmers University of Technology. While treating classical complex function theory, the author emphasizes connections to real and harmonic analysis, and presents general tools that basic ideas in beginning complex analysis. The book introduces all of the basic ideas in beginning complex analysis and still has time to reach many topics near the frontier of the subject. It covers classical highlights in the field such as Fatou theorems and some Nevanlinna theory, as well as more recent topics, for example , The corona theorem and the    duality. The reader is expected to have an understanding of basic integration theory and functional analysis. Many exercises illustrate and sharpen the theory, and extended exercises give the reader an active part in complementing the material presented in the text.


PerfacePreliminaries	 1.Notation 2.Some Facts1 Some Basic Properties of Analytic Functions	 1.Conformal Mappings 2.Power Series Expansions and Reaidues 3.Global Cauchy Theorems2 Properties of Analytic Mappings	 1.Conformal Mappings 2.The Riemann Sphere and Projective Space 3.Univalent Funtions 4.Picard's Theorems3 Analytic Approximation and Continuation	 1.Approximation with Rationals 2.Mittag-Leffler's Theorem and the Inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann Equation 3.Mittag-leffler's Theorem and the Inhonmogeneous 4.Simply Connected Domains 5.Analytic Functionals and the Fourier-laplace 6.Mergelyan's Theorem4 Harmonic and Subharmonic Functions	 1.Harmonic Functions 2.Subharmonic Functions5 Zeros, Growth, and Value Distribution	 1.Weierstrass'Theorem 2.Zeros and Growth 3.Value Distribution of Entire Functions6 Harmonic Functions and Fourier Series	 1.Boundary Values of Harmonic Functions 2.Fourier Series7 Hp Spaces	 1.Fatorization in H Spaces 2.Invariant Subspaces of H 3.Interpolation of H 4.Carleson Measures8 Ideals and the Corona Theorem	 1.Ideals in A 2.The Corona Theorem9 H1 and BMO 1.Bounded Mean Oscillation 2.The Duality of H and BMOBibliogarphyList of SymbolsIndex




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