
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:第1版 (2005年1月1日)  作者:卡哈特  页数:435  


本书清晰易懂地介绍了密码学和网络安全的基本概念和实际问题,探讨了加密、解密、对称和不对称密钥,详细分析和解释了各种主要密码算法,包括数据加密标准(DES),国际数据加密算法(IDEA),RC5,Blowfish,选进加密标准(AES),RSA,数字签名算法(DSA)等,并讨论了主要用于机构的防火墙和虚拟专用网络(VPN)技术,数字签名,公钥基础设施(PKI)和XML安全性,安全套接协议层(SSL),安全超文本传输协议(SHTTP),安全电子交易(SET),3D安全,PGP,PEM,S/MIME等。在无线安全方面研究了WAP、GSM、3G、身份认证、单点登录(SSO)等技术。本书还介绍了拒绝服务(DoS)攻击,联机银行交易等一些案例研究。    本书每章后面给出了多项选择题、复习题、编程练习题等。本书不仅对于普及IT专业人员的网络安全知识、提高普通用户的安全意识会大有裨益,也是本科生和研究生的一本不错的参考书。


1 Introduction to the Concepts of Security  1.1 Introduction 1  1.2 TheNeed forSecurity 2  1,3 Security Approaches 3  1.4 PrinciplesofSecurity 4  1.5 Types of Attacks 8      Outline of the Book 23      Multiple-choice Questions 25      Review Questions 26      Design/Programming Exercises 272 CryptographicTechniques  2.1 Introduction 28  2.2 Plain Text and CipherText 29  2.3 SubstitutionTechniques 31  2.4 Transposition Techniques 36  2.5 Encryption and Decryption 40  2.6 Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Cryptography 43  2.7 Steganography 53  2.8 Key Range and Key Size 54  2.9 PossibleTypesofAttacks 57      Chapter Summary 58      Key Terms and Concepts 59      Multiple-choice Questions 59      Review Questions 60      Design/Programming Exercises 61      Contents3 Computer-based SYmmetric Key Cryptographic Algorithms  3.1 Introduction 63  3.2 Algorithm Types and Modes 63  3.3 An Overview of Symmetric Key Cryptography 73  3.4 Data Encryption Standard(DES) 75  3.5 International Data EncryptionAIgorithm (IDEA) 90  3.6 RC5 98  3.7 Blowfish 105  3.8 Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) 107  3.9 Differentialand LinearCryptanalysis 109      Chapter Summary 110      Key Terms and Concepts 110      Multiple-choice Questions 110      Review Questions 111      Design/Programming Exercises 1114 Computer-based Asymmetric Key Cryptographic Algorithms  4.1 Introduction 112  4.2 Brief History of Asymmetric Key Cryptography 112  4.3 An Overview of Asymmetric Key Cryptography 113  4.4 The RSAAIgorithm 115  4.5 SymmetricandAsymmetric KeyCryptographyTogether 119  4.6 Digital Signatures 125  4.7 Knapsack Algorithm 154  4.8 SomeotherAIgorithms 154      Chapter Summary 157      Key Terms and Concepts 158      Multiple-choice Questions 158      Review Questions 159      Design/Programming Exercises 1595 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)  5.1 Introduction 161  5.2 Digital Certificates 162  5.3 Private Key Management 194  5.4 The PKIX Model 196  5.5 Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) 198  5.6 XML, PKI and Security 204      Chapter Summary 208      Key Terms and Concepts 208      Multiple-choice Questions 209      Review Questions 210      Design/Programming Exercises 2106 Internet Security Protocols  6.1 Basic Concepts 211  6.2 Secure Socket Layer(SSL) 218  6.3 Secure HyperTextTransferProtocol(SHTTP) 229  6.4 Time Stamping Protocol (TSP) 230  6.5 Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) 231  6.6 SSLVersusSET 244  6.7 3-DSecure Protocol 244  6.8 Electronic Money 245  6.9 EmailSecurity 250  6.10 WirelessApplication Protocol(WAP) Security 263  6.11 Securityin GSM 266       Chapter Summary 268       Key Terms and Concepts 269       Multiple-choice Questions 269       Review Questions 270       Design/Programming Exercises 2707 User Authentication Mechanisms  7.1 Introduction 271  7.2 Authentication Basics 271  7.3 Passwords 272  7.4 AuthenticationTokens 286  7.5 Certificate-based Authentication 297  7.6 BiometricAuthentication 303  7.7 Kerberos 304  7.8 Single SignOn (SSO)Approaches 309      ChapterSummary 310      Key Terms and Concepts 311      Multiple-choice Questions 311      Review Questions 312      Design/Programming Exercises 3128 Practical Implementations of Cryptography/Security  8.1 Cryptographic Solutions Using Java 314  8.2 Cryptographic Solutions Using Microsoft 322  8.3 CryptographicToolkits 324  8.4 Security and Operating Systems 325      Chapter Summary 330      Key Terms and Concepts 330      Multiple-choice Questions 330      Review Questions 331      Design/Programming Exercises 331      Contents9 Network Security  9.1 Brief Introduction to TCP/IP 332  9.2 Firewalls 338  9.3 IP Security 349  9.4 Virtual Private Networks (VPN) 365      Chapter Summary 368      Key Terms and Concepts 368      Multiple-choice Questions 369      Review Questions 36910 Case Studies on Cryptography and Security  10.1 Introduction 371  10.2 Cryptographic Solutions--A Case Study 371  10.3 Single SignOn (SSO) 379  10.4 Securelnter-branch Payment Transactions 382  10.5 Denial of Service (DOS)Attacks 385  10.6 IPSpoofingAttacks 388  10.7 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability (CSSV) 389  10.8 ContractSigning 391  10.9 Secret Splitting 392  10.10 Virtual Elections 394  10.11 Secure Multiparty Calculation 395  Appendix A-Mathematical Background  Appendix B-Number Systems  Appendix C-lnformation Theory  Appendix D-Real-life Tools  Appendix E-Web Resources  Appendix F-A Brief Introduction to ASN, BER, DER  Appendix G-Modern Security Trends  Answers to Multiple-choice Questions  Glossary  References  Index




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