
出版时间:2005-1-1  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:Kecheng Liu  页数:216  


符号学(又称为记号学)作为研究各种符号的科学,多年来已被认为是信息通信系统中最重要的基础学科,并广泛应用于计算机及相关应用学科中,如计算机应用系统的设计与开发、需求工程、信息系统工程、电子商务、电子政务、人机交互、协同工作等。    本书作为符号学在计算机及企业系统中的应用的一第部专著,自出版以来,给学术及应用领域带来了重要的影响,许多欧洲及美洲的大学院校采用此书作为研究生教材,并有一些院校根据此书开设大学高年级课程。    本书从符号学的角度,介绍了信息需求分析、建模、设计及开发的方法,并提供实便演示,适合作为大学高年级或研究生的符号学教材。


刘科成教授现在英国瑞丁大学(The University of Reading)任教,并担任交叉学科的信息科学研究中心主任。自2000年以来,他撰写和编辑了5本符号学专著,他的个人网址为:www,。


Preface1 Introduction  1.1 Information and informaion systems  1.2 Problems and challenges in information systems  1.3 Approaches and methods for information systems development  1.4 MEASUR:a semiotic approach to information systems  1.5 About this bookPart one Semiotic framework and methods  2 Understanding semiotics    2.1 Signs and their functions    2.2 Semiosis and learning    2.3 Semiotics in computing    2.4 Semiotics in organisations and information systems  3 Asemiotic framework for information systems    3.1 Philosophical stance      3.1.1 Objectivist paradigm      3.1.2 Subjectivist paradigm      3.1.3 Radical subjectivist paradigm    3.2 The semiotic framework      3.2.1 Physics      3.2.2 Empirics      3.2.3 Syntactics      3.2.4 Semantics      3.2.5 Pragmatics      3.2.6 The social leel    3.3 An example of semiotic analysis  4 Asemiotic approach to information systems development    4.1 MEASUR    4.2 How MEASUR can help in information systems development      4.2.1 Infrastructure analysis      4.2.2 Systems analysis,Design and implementation    4.3 Summary  5 Knowledge representation and information analysis    5.1 Some basic considerations in knowledge representation      5.1.1 Expressive adequacy anmd notional efficiency      5.1.2 Semantic primitives      5.1.3 Types of knowledge    5.2 Representaion approdches      5.2.1 Typial examples      5.2.2 Conceptual graphs    5.3 Some fundamental issues of information analysis    5.4 The role of information analysis  6 Semantic Analysis    6.1 Teoretical aspects of Semantic Analysis      6.1.1 Affordances      6.1.2 Ontology and some other fundamental notions    6.2 NORMA      6.2.1 Well-formaed formula      6.2.2 Affordance and ontological dependency      6.2.3 Semiotic dehaviour      6.2.4 Time      6.2.5 Defining authouriy and responsibility      6.2.6 Graphic representation-ontology chary      6.2.7 Defining authority and responsibility      6.2.8 Graphic representation-ontology chart    6.3 Using LEGOL to specify Norms    6.4 Conducting a Semantic Analysis      6.4.1 Understand the problem domain      6.4.2 Generating candidate affordances      6.4.3 Candidate grouping      6.4.4 Ontology charting      6.4.5 Norm Analysis    6.5 Commentary on Semantic Analysis  7 Pragmatics and communication    7.1 Human communication    7.2 Other approaches to communication      7.2.1 Speech Act Theory      7.2.2 Functional approach      7.2.3 Deontic logic for communication    7.3 Pragmatic aspect of human communication    7.4 The Norm Analuysis method      7.4.1 The concept of norms      7.4.2 Norms in business organisations      7.4.3 Norm Analysis      7.4.4 Norms in computer systems  8 The social layer:modelling organisations as information systems    8.1 Organisations as information systems    8.2 The notion of responsibility    8.3 Anorganisational morphology    8.4 Modelling the organisation    8.5 Summary:requiremments for an dffective information modelling methodPart tow Applications  9 From semiotic analysis to systems design    9.1 The semantic aspect of databases    9.2 Capturing the semantic aspect    9.3 Capturing the time aspect    9.4 Ontological modelling for conceptualisation    9.5 Imtentions,propositional attitudes and consequent operations    9.6 Other aspects of databases:facts,beliefs,and knowledge  10 Semantic temporal databases    10.1 Databases      10.1.1 Developments in database management systems      10.1.2 Semantic temporal databases    10.2 The semantic templates      10.2.1 Defining a semantic template      10.2.2 ST for database design    10.3 Systems construction    10.4 LEGOL    10.4.1 Basic syntactic structure      10.4.2 Some important operations  11 Normbase:a new approach to information management    11.1 The Normbase concept    11.2 The Normbase system      11.2.1 The Normbase engine      11.2.2 The semantic temporal database      11.2.3 The norm store    11.3 Information management with the Normbase system    11.4 Using semiotic methods with other appeoaches      11.4.1 Reational database for implementation      11.4.2 Objet-oriented methods for design and implementation  12 Case study:devlopment of a land resources information system    12.1 Background    12.2 Semantic Analysis for requirements modelling    12.3 Norm Analysis    12.4 System design and implementaion in the Normbase approach    12.5 Discussions and conclusions  13 Case study:development of a test construction system    13.1 Background      13.1.1 CONTEST project      13.1.2 User requirements      13.1.3 Why choode Semantic Analysis?     13.2 System analysis    13.3 System design    13.4 System construction    13.5 Discussion and conclusionsAppendix A Semantic templates and surogate specification  A.1 Definition of ST  A.2 Examples of using ST in discourse modelling  A.3 Examples of surrogatesAppendix B LEGOL applications in the CRIS case  B.1 Questions and LEGOL statements  B.2 Output from the NormbaseBibliographyIndex




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