
出版时间:2005-1-1  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:Ivar Jacobson,Grady Booch,James Rumbaugh  页数:463  字数:395000  


本书由UML创始人精心编写,介绍了创建流行软件的新标准,对软件开发人员或管理人员而言,具有重要的参考价值。    书中不仅指出了贯穿软件开发过程UML文档类型(比如用例、类图和状态转换图)与各种模型之间的关系,演示了如何用UML模型来说明过程,还清清楚楚地描述了模型中不同高级结构的语义和符号表示。通过本书的阅读,读者将了解到当前软件领域内的最佳做法。


Ivar Jacobson,Grady Booch,James Rumbaugh是UML的创始人,同时也是享誉全球的面向象技术专家,他们为对象技术的开发做出了卓越的贡献。


Part I: The Unified Software Development Process  Chapter 1: The Unified Process: Use-Case Driven, Architecture-Centric, Iterative, and Incremental    1.1 The Unified Process in a Nutshell    1.2 The Unified Process Is Use-Case Driven    1.3 The Unified Process Is Architecture-Centric    1.4 The Unified Process Is Iterative and Incremental    1.5 The Life of the Unified Process    1.6 An Integrated Process  Chapter 2: The Four Ps: People, Project, Product, and Process in Software Development    2.1 People Are Crucial    2.2 Projects Make the Product    2.3 Product Is More Than Code    2.4 Process Directs Projects    2.5 Tools Are Integral to Process    2.6 References  Chapter 3: A Use-Case-Driven Process    3.1 Use-Case-Driven Development in Brief    3.2 Why Use Cases?    3.3 Capturing the Use Cases    3.4 Analysis, Design, and Implementation to Realize the Use Cases    3.5 Testing the Use Cases    3.6 Smming Up    3.7 References  Chapter 4: An Architecture-Centric Process     4.1 Architecture in Brief    4.2 Why We Need Architecture    4.3 Use Cases and Architecture    4.4 The Steps to an Architecture    4.5 Finally, an Architecture Description!    4.6 Three Interesting Concepts    4.7 References  Chapter 5: An Iterative and Incremental Process    5.1 Iterative and Incremental in Brief    5.2 Why Iterative and Incremental Development?    5.3 The Iterative Approach is Risk-Driven    5.4 The Generic Iteration    5.5 The Result of an Iteration Is an Increment    5.6 Iterations over the Life Cycle    5.7 Models Evolve from Iterations    5.8 Iterations Challenge the Organization    5.9 ReferencesPart II: The Core Workflows   Chapter 6: Requirements Capture: From Vision to Requirements    6.1 Why Requirements Capture Is Difficult    6.2 The Purpose of the Requirements Workflow    6.3 Overview of Requirements Capture    6.4 The Role of Requirements in the Software Life Cycle    6.5 Understanding the System Context Using a Domain Model    6.6 Understanding the System Context Using a Business Model    6.7 Supplementary Requirements     6.8 Summary    6.9 References  Chapter 7: Capturing the Requirements as Use Cases    7.1 Introduction    7.2 Artifacts    7.3 Workers    7.4 Workflow    7.5 Summary of the Requirements Workflow    7.6 References  Chapter 8:Analysis    8.1 Introduction    8.2 Analysis in  Brief    8.3 The Role of Analysis in the Software Life Cycle    8.4 Artifacts    8.5 Workers    8.6 Wordflow    8.7 Summary of Analysis    8.8 References  Chapter 9: Design    9.1 Introduction    9.2 The Role of Design in the Software Life Cycle    9.3 Artifacts    9.4 Workers    9.5 Wordflow    9.6 Summary of Design    9.7 References  Chapter 10: Implementation    10.1 Introduction    10.2 The Role of Implementation in the Software Life Cycle    10.3 Artifacts    10.4 Workers    10.5 Workflow    10.6 Summary of Implementation    10.7 References  Chapter 11:Test    11.1 Introduction    11.2 The Role of Testing in the Software Life Cycle    11.3 Artifacts    11.4 Workers    11.5 Workflow    11.6 Summary of Testing    11.7 ReferencesPart III: Iterative and Incremental Development  Chapter 12: The Need for Balance    12.1 The Need for Balance    12.2 The Phases Are the First Division of Work    12.3 The Generic Iteration Revisited    12.4 Planning Precedes Doing    12.5 Risks Affect project Planning    12.6 Use-Case Prioritization    12.7 Resources Needed    12.8 Assess the Iterations and Phases  Chapter 13: Inception Launches the Project    13.1 The Inception Phase in Brief    13.2 Early in the Inception Phase    13.3 The Archetypal Inception Iteration Workflow    13.4 Execute the Core Workflows, Requirements to Test    13.5 Make the Initial Business Case    13.6 Assess the Iteration(s)in the Inception Phase    13.7 Planning the Elaboration Phase    13.8 The Deliverables for the Inception Phase  Chapter 14: the Elaboration Phase Makes the Architectural Baseline    14.1 The Elaboration Phase in Brief    14.2 Early in the Elaboration Phase    14.3 The Archetypal Elaboration Iteration Workflow    14.4 Execute the Core Workflows-Requirements to Test    14.5 Make the Business Case    14.6 Assess the Iterations in the Elaboration Phase    14.7 Planning the Construction Phase    14.8 The Key Deliverables  Chapter 15: Construction Leads to Initial Operational Capability    15.1 The Construction Phase in Brief    15.2 Early in the Construction Phase    15.3 The Archetypal Construction Iteration Workflow    15.4 Execute the Core Workflows-Requirements to Testing    15.5 Controlling the Business Case    15.6 Assess the Iterations and the Construction Phase     15.7 Planning the Transition Phase    15.8 The Key Deliverables   Chapter 16: Transition Completes Product Release    16.1 The Transition Phase in Brief    16.2 Early in the Transition Phase    16.3 The Core Workflows Play a Small Role in this Phase    16.4 What We Do in the Transition Phase    16.5 Completing the Business Case    16.6 Assess the Transition Phase    16.7 Planning the Next Release or Generation    16.8 The Key Deliverables   Chapter 17: Making the Unified Process Work    17.1 The Unified Process Helps You Deal With Complexity    17.2 The Major Themes    17.3 Management Leads Conversion to Unified Process    17.4 Specializing the Unified Process    17.5 Relate to the Broader Community    17.6 Get the Benefits of the Unified Process    17.7 References Appendix A: Overview of the UML  A.1 Introduction   A.2 Graphical Notation  A.3 Glossary of Terms  A.4 References Appendix B: The Unified Process-Specific Extensions of the UML  B.1 Introduction  B.2 Stereotypes  B.3 Tagged Values  B.4 Graphical Notation  B.5 References Appendix C: General Glossary  C.1 Introduction  C.2 Terms Index




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  •   对于一些大型软件项目,特别是有充足的资金和人员的情况下,可以借鉴这种软件开发思路。个人认为,它的需求,分析与设计过程非常值得借鉴,然后结合敏捷软件开发在“Iterator阶段”的方式,才更能整合出适合我们平时碰到的大多数项目的流程。当然,还是那句话,流程不是万能的,但没有流程却是万万不能的,可以好好借鉴一下这本书的思路,把经典软件工程抽象出来,结合现有项目进行思考。软件管理人员,项目经理和TTL应该读这本书,开发人员也应该了解它的思想。
  •   本书是软件工程方面的比较权威的书。注重将以前分散、零星的各类软件开发过程,统一起来。就像交响乐队的指挥一样。为我们开启软件开发过程的一种新的组织形式。。。

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