
出版时间:2004-10  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:汤姆森二世  


本书是美国最新、最权威的战略管理教材《战略管理:概念与案例》的缩减版,全书不仅保留了原主教材的全部精华内容,使理论体系保持完整,且减少篇幅,更便于读者使用的阅读。本书有丰富的案例内容和齐全的教辅资料,读者可以充分利用网络资源,尤其是在线模拟训练工具,在深入探讨战略的理论、原则和分析方法的同时,获取教材里和教室内学不到的实践经验。本书适合高校本科高年级学生、工商管理专业研究生、工商管理硕士(MBA)研究生和在职工商管理硕士(EMBA)研究生“战略管理”课使用。除此之外,本书对企业管理人员在职培训也是一本不可多得的参考书。         Arthur A.Thompson, Jr.earned his BS and PhD degrees in economics from the University of Tennesseee in 1961 and 1965 ,respecitively;spent three years on the economics factulty at virginin Tech;and served on the faculty of the University of Aabama's College of commerce and Business Administration for 24 years.In 1974 and again in 1982 ,Dr.thompson spent semester-long sabbaticals as a visiting scholar at the Harvard Business School.    His areas of specialization are business strategy ,competition and maret analysis,and economics of business enterprises.He has published over 30 articles in some 25 different professional and reade publiished over 30 arcticles in some 25 different professional and trade publications and has authored orco=authored five textbooks and four computer-based simulation exercise.    Dr.Thompson and his wife of 42 years have tow daughters ,two grandchildren,and a Yorkshire terrier.        Jonh E.Gamble is currently Chairman of the Department of Management and Associate Professor of Management in the Mitchell College of Business at The University of South alabama.His teaching Specialty at USA is strategic management and he also conducts a course in strategic management in Germany through Ludwigshafen/Worms,the State of Rhineland Westphalia ,and the University of South Alabama .    Dr.Gamble's research interests center on strategic issues in entrepreneurial,health car,and manufacturing settings.His work has been published in such scholarly journals as Journal of Business Venturing ,Jouranal of Labor Research,Health Care Management Reviesw,and Labor studies Journal.He is the author orco-author of more than 20 case studies published in various strategic management and strategic marketing texts.He has done consulting on industry and market analysis and strategy formulation and implementation issues with clients in public utillities,technology,non-profit ,and entrepreneurial businesses.    Professor gamble received his Ph.D in management from the University of Alabama in 1995 .Dr.Gamble also has a bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Arts Degree form The University of Alaalama.


第1篇 导言和概述   第1章 什么是战略以及战略为什么重要?第2篇 核心理念和分析工具  第2章 分析公司外部环境  第3章 分析公司资源和竞争地位第3篇 制定战略  第4章 制定战略:竞争优势的探索  第5章 在国外市场上的竞争   第6章 多元化:多经营领域竞争战略第4篇 实施战略  第7章 创建一个有竞争力的组织  第8章 管理内部运作:有昨于战略实施的行动方案  第9章 公司文化和领导 第5篇 战略制定和实施案例  第1部分:案例5、6、13——单一经营公司的战略制定  第2部分:案例21——多元化经营公司的战略制定   第3部分:案例30——战略、伦理道德和社会责任








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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   几位作者都是业内知名的学者,联袂出的书,更加优秀
  •   时间太长2个星期,送来时候书也坏了
  •   这是根据第一版缩写,案例仅保留了8个,现在第2版内容改了不少,案例有32个。印刷质量一般,但价格便宜,性价比还不错!送货很快,就是没给我发票(我下订单时曾经注明过要发票的!)

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