
出版时间:2004-6-1  出版社:第1版 (2004年1月1日)  作者:王雯,赵守香,罗代洪,孔凡航,杨冰  页数:373  字数:560000  


直接阅读外文技术资料和文献是每个计算机技术人员和研究人员必须具备的一种能力。本书旨在使学生能够熟悉并掌握计算机方面的基本专业英文词汇,并提高在计算机专业英语文献方面的阅读能力。    本书共24章,汇集了计算机技术各方面的内容,包括计算机硬件、软件、网络与通信、计算机应用等,本书的特点是内容和专业词汇的涵盖面广,选择的文章具有代表性和新颖性,尤其是阅读材料包括了最近10年中产生的一些新技术的介绍,从而使教师在选择教学内容方面有极大的灵活性。    本书适合于计算机科学与技术专业、软件工程专业、计算机网络专业、信息管理与信息系统等相关专业的高职、高专、本科学生作为计算机专业英语课程的教材,对于从事计算机各种工作的专业技术人员提高计算机外文文献的阅读能力有一定的帮助。


Chapter 1 Computer System Overview  1.1 Digital Computer  1.2 Data Types  1.3 The Evolution of Computer  1.4 Types of ComputersChapter 2 Computer System Organization  2.1 Computer Organization Introduction  2.2 System Buses  2.3 CPU Organization  2.4 Memory Subsystem Organization  2.5 I/O Subsystem OrganizationChapter 3 Computer System Architecture  3.1 Parallel Processing  3.2 Pipelining  3.3 Vector Processing  3.4 RISCChapter 4 Algorithms and Data Structure  4.1 Algorithms  4.2 Data StructureChapter 5 Programming and Languages  5.1 The Procedure of Programming  5.2 Development of Programming Languages  5.3 Compiling and Assembling Programs  5.4 Object-Oriented Programming(OOP)  5.5 Visual Programming  5.6 Internet ProgrammingChapter 6 Operating Systems  6.1 Operating System Overview  6.2 Operating System PlatformChapter 7 Applications Software  7.1 Applications Software Tools  7.2 Common Features of Applications Software  7.3 Productivity Software Tools  7.4 Installing & Updating Applications Software  7.5 Software Versions and ReleasesChapter 8 Files and File Processing  8.1 The Data Hierarchy  8.2 File Organization Methods  8.3 Processing Modes  8.4 File Management SystemsChapter 9 An Introduction to Database Systems  9.1 Purpose of Database Systems  9.2 View of Data  9.3 Data Models  9.4 Database Languages  9.5 Transaction Management  9.6 Database AdministratorChapter 10 Software Engineering  10.1 What Is Software Engineering——An Engineering Discipline for Software  10.2 What Is Good Software  10.3 Key Issues of Software Engineering  10.4 Software Process  10.5 Computer-Aided Software Engineering(CASE)Chapter 11 Object-Oriented Technology  11.1 What is OO?——System Concepts for Object Modeling  11.2 The OO Development ProcessChapter 12 Introduction to Computer Network  12.1 Introduction  12.2 Networks  12.3 Data CommunicationsChapter 13 OSI and TCP/IP Reference Model  13.1 OSI Reference Model  13.2 TCP/IP Reference Model  13.3 A Comparison of the OSI and TCP/IP Reference ModelsChapter 14 Local Area Networks & Metropolitan Area Networks  14.1 Local Area Networks  14.2 Metropolitan Area Networks(IEEE802.6)Chapter 15 Wide Area Networks  15.1 Introduction  15.2 Narrowband ISDN  15.3 X.25 Networks  15.4 Frame Relay  15.5 Broadand ISDN and ATMChapter 16 Internet  16.1 Introduction  16.2 Technology of Internet  16.3 Four Important Services Provided by the Internet  16.4 NetiquetteChapter 17 Network Security  17.1 Network Security Technology  17.2 Computer Virus  17.3 FirewallChapter 18 Multimedia Technology  18.1 Introduction  18.2 Audio  18.3 Video  18.4 Data Compression  18.5 Multimedia Application  18.6 MP3Chapter 19 Digital Image Processing  19.1 Introduction  19.2 Hierarchy of Image Processing Operations  19.3 Image Processing and Computer Graphics  19.4 Applications  19.5 Components of an Image Processing SystemChapter 20 Artificial Intelligence and Expert System  20.1 History of AI  20.2 Areas of AI  20.3 The Appeal of Expert System  20.4 An Expert System Model  20.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Expert SystemsChapter 21 Computer Information Systems  21.1 Transaction Processing System(TPS)  21.2 Management Information Systems(MIS)  21.3 Decision Support System(DSS)Chapter 22 Enterprise Resource Planning  22.1 What is Enterprise Resource Planning and What does it do  22.2 The Evolution of Enterprise Resource PlanningChapter 23 E-Business and E-Commerce  23.1 E-Business  23.2 E-CommerceChapter 24 CAD,CAM,and CIMS  24.1 Introduction to CAD/CAM/CAE Systems  24.2 CIMS




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  •   有点旧,不过书应该还是新书
  •   这本书有2007年2月和2007年11月的不同印刷,好像后来的变薄了,内容都没变,质量不错,版本有点旧了,都用4年了。

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