出版时间:2004-5 出版社:清华大学 作者:何毓琦 等著 页数:77 字数:42000
1 Publishing Papers and Presenting Speeches 1.1 How to share credit and cite references 1.2 How to get a paper published in an international journal 1.3 How to give a technical talk2 Professional Participation 2.1 How to serve as an asslciate aditor 2.2 How to apply for research funding 2.3 How to do research and pick a research topic-conversation with professor Yu-chi Ho3 Miscellaneous Notes
版权页:If you wish to thank someone who has helped you in the writing or development of your paper, then thank him properly and sincerely. Never thank a person by giving the impression that she/he has personally approved your paper. This may be a sign of respect in the East. But it is bad form. Thus, one often sees at the end of acknowledgement an additional phrase "... all remaining gerrors are solely the responsibility of the author. " One shouldnot be made to take responsibility for a paper unless his/her nameappears as one of the authors. One more thing. It is important to treat other people's ideaand intellectual property with respect and care. A published papercan be freely passed around and shared without authorization from the original author. After all, a published paper is in the public do-main. But a draft or rough ideas a colleague shared with you for comment and discussion within a limited circle should be treated with care. In particular, a PowerPoint document or transparency slides should not be distributed or used without checking with the original author. This is important because a transparency or a PowerPoint slide does not have the accompanying voice that goes with the slide to provide the detail explanation. No selfrespectingauthor would like these used or quoted out of context. Also the creation of a good PowerPoint slide is a very time consuming task.