
出版时间:2004-4  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:泰芬哈特  页数:468  


·深入介绍了如何借助用例(Use Case)来开发规范模型;


Richard C.Lee,在软件开发与管理方面有35年以上的经验。他从事或管理过的项目包括电子出版前沿技术开发、嵌入式系统、大型IMS项目、多媒体项目、运营支撑系统、过程控制系统、事务处理系统、交换机系统等。作为面向对象的早期实践者,他目前致力于使更多的面向对象的项目获得成功。


Preface Object-Oriented Technology Why Unified Modeling Language? Why Java? Our Approach to Object-Oriented Technology Organization of the Book Using This BookAcknowledgments1 Managing Complexity with Abstraction  Complex Systems   System Development Is Modeling   A Strategy for Modeling  Abstraction Mechanisms   Basic Data Types   Functions   Modules   Abstract Data Types   Objects   Class   Generalization/Specialization   Polymorphism   Interface   Reflection  Service Activation Abstractions   Function Call   Event Processing(Asynchronous Communication)   Message Passing(Synchronous Communication)   Subscription(Asynchronous Communication)  Processing Control Abstractions   Single Program Execution   Multitasking   Sequential Execution   Multithreading  Relationships   Associations   Aggregation   Behavior   Static Behavior   Dynamic Behavior  Rules2 The Object-Oriented Paradigm  The Object-Oriented Paradigm   What Is an Object?   What Is a Class?  Principles of Object-Orientation   Principle 1.Encapsulation   Principle 2.Information Hiding   Principle 3.Message Passing   Principle 4.Late Binding   Principle 5.Delegation   Principle 6.Class/Instance/Object   Principle 7.Generalization/Specialization without Polymorphism   Principle 8.Generalization/Specialization with Polymorphism   Principle 9.Relationships   Principle 10.Interface/Instance/Object   Principle 11.Generalization/Specialization of Interfaces   Principle 12.Reflection   Principle 13.Multithreading  Object-Oriented Model of Computation3 Building a Specification Model  Introduction to Use Cases   System   Actors   Use Cases   Use-Case Bundles  Documenting Use Cases   Use-Case Diagram   Sequence Diagram:Documenting the Details   Textual Description  Guidelines for Developing Use Cases   Avoiding Analysis Paralysis   Identifying Actors   Identifying High-Level and Essential Use Cases   Establishing Use-Case Bundles   Developing Use-Case Details   Identifying Supporting Use Cases  Contracts  Recommended Approach4 Finding the Objects5 Identifying Responsibilities6 Specifying Static Behavior7 Dynamic Behavior8 Identifying Relationships9 Rules10 The Model11 Design12 Java Fundamentals13 Implementing Class and Interface14 Implementing Static Behavior15 Implementing Dynamic Behavior16 Implementing Generalization/Specialization17 Implementing More RelationshipsA Unified Modeling LanguageB Java Language SummaryC How the Java Language Differs from C and C++BibliographyIndex




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