
出版时间:2004-2  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:福赛恩  页数:693  





Part I Image Formation and Image Models 1 CAMERAS  1.1 Pinhole Cameras   1.1.1 Perspective Projection   1.1.2 Affine Projection  1.2 Cameras with Lenses   1.2.1 Paraxial Geometric Optics   1.2.2 Thin Lenses   1.2.3 Real Lenses  1.3 The Human Eye  1.4 Sensing   1.4.1 CCD Cameras   1.4.2 Sensor Models  1.5 Notes  Problems 2 GEOMETRIC CAMERA MODELS  2.1 Elements of analytical Euclidean Geometry   2.1.1 Coordinate Systems and Homogeneous Coordinates   2.1.2 Coordinate System Changes and Rigid Transformations  2.2 Camera Parameters and the Perspective Projection   2.2.1 Intrinsic Parameters   2.2.2 Extrinsic Parameters   2.2.3 A Characterization of Perspective Projection Matrices  2.3 Affine Cameras and Affine Projection Equations   2.3.1 Affine Cameras   2.3.2 Affine Projection Equations   2.3.3 A Characterization of Affine Projection Matrices  2.4 Notes  Problems 3 GEOMETRIC CAMERA CALIBRATION   3.1 Least-Squares Parameter Estimation   3.1.1 Linear Least-Squares Methods   3.1.2 Nonlinear Least-Squares Methods  3.2 A Linear Approach to Camera Calibration   3.2.1 Estimation of the Projection Matrix   3.2.2 Estimation of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Parameters   3.2.3 Degenerate Point Configurations  3.3 Taking Radial Distortion into Account   3.3.1 Estimation of the Projection Matrix   3.3.2 Estimation of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Parameters   3.3.3 Degenerate Point Configurations  3.4 Analytical Photogrammetry  3.5 An Application:Mobile Robot Localization  3.6 Notes  Problems 4 RADIOMETRY-MEASURING LIGHT  4.1 Light in Space   4.1.1 Foreshortening   4.1.2 Solid Angle   4.1.3 Radiance  4.2 Light at Surfaces   4.2.1 Simplifying Assumptions   4.2.2 The Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function   4.2.3 Example:The Radiometry of Thin Lenses  4.3 Important Special Cases   4.3.1 Radiosity   4.3.2 directional Hemispheric Reflectance   4.3.3 Lambertian Surfaces and Albedo   4.3.4 Specular Surfaces   4.3.5 The Lambertian+Specular Model  4.4 Notes  Problems 5 SOURCES,SHADOWS,AND SHADING 6 COLORPart II Early Vision:Just One Image 7 LINEAR FILTERS 8 EDGE DETECTION 9 TEXTUREPart III Early Vision:Multiple Images 10 THE GEOMETRY OF MULTIPLE VIEWS 11 STEREOPSIS 12 AFFINE STRUCTURE FROM MOTION 13 PROJECTIVE STRUCTURE FROM MOTIONPart IV Mid-Level Vision 14 SEGMENTATION BY CLUSTERING 15 SEGMENTATION BY FITTING A MODEL 16 SEGMENTATION AN FITTING USING PROBABILISTIC METHODS 17 TRACKING WITH LINEAR DYNAMIC MODELSPart Ⅴ High-Level Vision:Geometric MethodsPart Ⅵ High-Level Vision:Probabilistic and Inferential MethodsPart Ⅶ Applications  BIBLIOGRAPHY  INDEX




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