出版时间:2004-1 出版社:清华大学出版社 作者:贝斯特 页数:421
Best仍然是最好的。Roland E.Best博士这本经典参考书《锁相环设计、仿真与应用》也许是世界上使用最为广泛的PLL的参考书。如今,第5版终于面世了,本书系统地讲述了基本的锁相环理论、电路模块和锁相环系统结构以及详细的设计过程。包括锁相环的概况,混合信号锁相环,锁相环频率综合器,高阶锁相环路,混合信号频率综合器的计算机辅助设计和模拟,全数字锁相环,全数字锁相环的计算机辅助设计和仿真,软件锁相环,锁相环在通信中的应用,最先进的商业化集成锁相环,锁相环的参数测试等,涉及到控制理论,通信理论,信号处理理论等多个学科的内容。
preface to the Fifth EditionChapter 1.Intrduction to PLLS 1.1 Operating Priciples of the PLL 1.2 Classification of PLL Types Chapter 2.Mixed-Signal PLLS 2.1 block diagram of the Mixed-Signal PLL 2.2 A Note on Phase Signals 2.3 buiding Blocks of Mixed-Signal PlLs 2.4 PLL Performance inthe Locked State 2.5 The Order of the PLL System 2.6 PLL Performance in the Unlocked State 2.7 Phase Detectors with Charge Pump Output 2.8 PLL Performance in the Presence of Noise 2.9 Design Procedure for Mixed-Signal PLLs 2.10 Mixed-Signal PLL ApplicationsChapter 3.PLL Frequency Synthesizers 3.1 Synthesizers in Wireless and RF Applications 3.2 PLL Synthesizer Fundamentals 3.3 Single-Loop and Multiloop Frequency Synthesizers 3.4 Noise in Frequency Sythesizers Chapter 4.Higher-Order Loops 4.1 Motivation for Higher-Order Loops 4.2 Analyzing Stagility of Higher-Order Loops 4.3 Designing Third-Oder PLLS 4.4 Designing Fourth-Order PLLs 4.5 Designing Fifth-Order PLLs 4.6 The Key Parameters of Higher-Oder PLLs 4.7 Loop Filters for Phase Detectors with Charge Pump OutputChapter 5.Computer-Aided Desgn and Simulation of Mixed-Signal PLLsChapter 6.All-Digital PLLs(ADPLLs)Chapter 7.Computer-Aided Design and Simulation of ADPLLsChapter 8.The Software PLL(SPLL)Chapter 9.The PLL in CommunucationsChapter 10.State of the Art of Commercial PLL Integrated CircuitsChapter 11.Measuring PLL ParametersAppendix A.The Pull-in ProcessAppendix B.The Laplace TransformAppendix C.Digital Filter BasicsReferencesIndex