
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:清华大学  作者:温斯顿  


由WINSTON编纂的《OPERATIONS RESEARCH》(第3版)一书系统全面地讲解了运筹学的有关内容,是一本在境外被普遍使用的教科书。其特点是重点介绍各种原理和方法的基本概念及其应用、而省略抽象的推理及详细的证明过程,同时每个章节都有丰富的例子和大量的练习题。


1 Network Models 1.1 Basic Definitions 1.2 Shortest Path Problems 1.3 Maximum Flow Problems 1.4 CPM and PERT 1.5 Minimum Cost Network Flow Problems 1.6 Minimum Spanning Tree Problems  1.7 The Network Simplex Method2 Decision Making Under Uncertainty 2.1 Decision Criteria 2.2 Utility Theory 2.3 Decision Trees 2.4 Bayes'Rule and Decision Trees  2.5 Decision Making With the Normal Distribution3 Decision Making with Multiple Objectives  3.1 Multiattribute Decision Making in the Absence of Uncertainty:Goal Programming 3.2 Multiattribute Utility Functions 3.3 The Analytic Hierarchy Process 3.4 Pareto Optimality and Tradeoff Curves4 Game Theory 4.1 Two-Person Zero-sum and Constant-Sum Games:Saddle Points  4.2 Two-Person Zero-Sum Games:Randomized Strategies,Domination,and Graphical Solution 4.3 Linear Programming and Zero-Sum Games 4.4 Two-Person Non-Constant-Sum Games 4.5 Introduction to n-Person Game Theory 4.6 The Core of an n-Person Game 4.7 The Shapley Value5 Probabilistic Dynamic Programming 5.1 When Current Stage Costs Are Uncertain,but the Next Period’s State Is Certain 5.2 A Probabilistic Inventory Model 5.3 How to Maximize the Probability of a Favorable Event Occurring 5.4 Further Examples of Probabilistic Dynamic Programming Formulations 5.5 Markov Decision Processes




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  •   又清晰,又有很多例子,容易懂~很不错~
  •   很好的一本教材
  •   和想象中一样 正是需要的
  •   经典, 值得拥有
  •   全英文,很多看不懂,留着慢慢看。
  •   上课用的……
  •   很专业的一本图书
  •   当初买了是要看的,结果扔在书架里就忘了。至今好像已有两年了,惭愧惭愧

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