
出版时间:2003-11  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:斯托林斯  页数:584  


本书是著名作者William Stallings力作之一,以无线连网为主题,以无线通信与连网的技术和标准为重点,讲述了连网技术与体系结构、网络设计、网络的各种类型及应用等内容,使读者全面理解无线通信与连网的原理、技术和标准。全书包括技术基础、无线通信技术、无线连网、无线局域网及附录第5部分共15章。


PrefaceCHAPTER 1 Introduction 1.1 Wireless Comes of Age 1.2 The Cellular Revolution 1.3 The Global Cellular Network 1.4 Broadband 1.5 The Trouble with Wireless 1.6 Outline of the Book 1.7 Internet and Web ResourcesPART ONE TECHNICAL BACKGROUNDCHAPTER 2 Transmission Fundamentals 2.1 Signals for Conveying Information 2.2 Analog and Digital Data Transmission 2.3 Channel Capacity 2.4 Transmission Media 2.5 Multiplexing 2.6 Recommended Reading 2.7 Key Terms,Review Questions,and Problems Appendix 2A Decibels and Signal StrengthCHAPTER 3 Communication Networks 3.1 LANs,MANs,and WANs 3.2 Switching Techniques 3.3 Circuit-Switching 3.4 Packet-Switching 3.5 Asynchronous Transfer Mode 3.6 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 3.7 Key Terms,Review Questions,and ProblemsCHAPTER 4 Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite 4.1 The Need for a Protocol Architecture 4.2 The TCP/IP Protocol Architecture 4.3 The OSI Protocol Architecture 4.4 Internetworking 4.5 Recommended Reading 4.6 Key Terms,Review Questions,and Problems Appendix 4A Internet Protocol Appendix 4B Transmission Control Protocol Appendix 4C User Datagram ProtocolPART TWO WIRELESS COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGYCHAPTER 5 Antennas and Propageation 5.1 Antennas 5.2 Propagation Modes 5.3 Line-of-Sight Transmission 5.4 Fading in the Mobile Environment 5.5 Recommended Reading 5.6 Key Terms,Review Questions,and Problems   CHAPTER 6 Signal Encoding Techniques 6.1 Signal Encoding Criteria 6.2 Digital Data,Analog Signals 6.3 Analog Data,Analog Signals 6.4 Analog Data,Digital Signals 6.5 Recommended Reading 6.6 Key Terms,Review Questions,and Problems Appendix 6A Proof of the Sampling TheoremCHAPTER 7 Spread Spectrum 7.1 The Concept of Spread Spectrum 7.2 Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum 7.3 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum 7.4 Code-Division Multiple Access 7.5 Generation of Spreading Sequences 7.6 Recommended Reading 7.7 Key Terms,Review Questions,and Problems CHAPTER 8 Coding and Error Control 8.1 Error Detection 8.2 Block Error Correction Codes 8.3 Convolutional Codes 8.4 Automatic Repeat Request 8.5 Recommended Reading 8.6 Key Terms,Review Questions,and Problems PART THREE WIRELESS NETWORKINGCHAPTER 9 Satellite Communications 9.1 Satellite Parameters and Configurations  9.2 Capacity Allocation-Frequency Division 9.3 Capacity Allocation-Time Division 9.4 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 9.5 Key Terms,Review Questions,and Problems CHAPTER 10 Cellular Wireless Networks 10.1 Principles of Cellular Networks 10.2 First Generation Analog 10.3 Second Generation TDMA 10.4 Second Generation CDMA 10.5 Third Generation Systems 10.6 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 10.7 Key Terms,Review Questions,and Problems CHAPTER 11 Cordless Systems and Wireless Local Loop 11.1 Cordless Systems 11.2 Wireless Local Loop 11.3 IEEE 802.16 Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Standard 11.4 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 11.5 Key Terms,Review Questions,and Problems Appendix 11A Linear Predictive FiltersCHAPTER 12 Mobile IP and Wireless Access Protocol 12.1 Mobile IP 12.2 Wireless Application Protocol 12.3 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 12.4 Key Terms,Review Questions,and Problems Appendix 12A Internet Control Message Protocol Appendix 12B Message Authentication Appendix 12C Service Primitives and ParametersPART FOUR WIRELESS LANSCHAPTER 13 Wireless LAN Technology 13.1 Overview 13.2 Infrared LANs 13.3 Spread Spectrum LANs 13.4 Narrowband Microwave LANs 13.5 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 13.6 Key Terms and Review Questions CHAPTER 14 IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Standard 14.1 IEEE 802 Protocol Architecture 14.2 IEEE 802.11 Architecture and Services 14.3 IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control 14.4 IEEE 802.11 Physical Layer 14.5 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 14.6 Key Terms and Review Questions CHAPTER 15 Bluetooth 15.1 Overview 15.2 Radio Specification 15.3 Baseband Specification 15.4 Link Manager Specification 15.5 Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol 15.6 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 15.7 Key Terms and Review Questions APPENDICESAPPENDIX A Standards and Standard-Setting Organizations A.1 The Importance of Standards A.2 Standards and Regulation A.3 The International Telecommunications Union A.4 Internet Standards and the Internet Society A.5 IEEE 802 StandardsAPPENDIX B Traffic Analysis B.1 Basic Traffic Concepts B.2 Multiserver models B.3 Recommended Reading APPENDIX C Fourier Analysis C.1 Fourier Series Representaion of Periodic Signals C.2 Fourier Transform Representation of Aperiodic Signals C.3 Recommended Reading APPENDIX D Data Link Control Protocols D.1 High-Level Data Link ControlGLOSSARYREFERENCESINDEX




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