
出版时间:2004-4  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:塞吉维克  页数:496  


本书深入介绍了图算法。书中分别对图属性和类型、 图搜索、有向图、最小生成树、最短路径以及网络流的有关内容进行了透彻的讨论。在此不仅对基本内容做了全面的阐述, 而且对经典算法也提供了详尽的分析, 同时还涵盖了有关的高级主题。全书既强调了与实用有关的内容, 在分析和理论研究上也很有深度。另外, 对于书中提供的算法, 读者可以放心地实现和调试,并用这些算法来解决问题。    本书内容全面、论述清晰, 适合于计算机科学和数学领域各个层次的人员使用。


Graph Algorithms Chapter 17.Graph Properties and Types 17.1 Glossary 17.2 Graph ADT 17.3 Adjacency-Matrix Representation 17.4 Adjacency-Lists Representation 17.5 Variations,Extensions,and Costs 17.6 Graph Generators 17.7 Simple,Euler,and Hamilton Paths 17.8 Graph-Processing Problems Chapter 18.Graph Search 18.1 Explring a Maze 18.2 Depth-First Search 18.3 Graph-Search ADT Methods 18.4 Properties of DFS Forests 18.5 DFS Algorithms 18.6 Separability and Biconnectivity 18.7 Breadth-First Search 18.8 Generalized Graph Search 18.9 Analysis of Graph Algorithms Chapter 19.Digraphs and DAGs 19.1 Glossary and Rules of the Game 19.2 Anatomy of DFS in Digraphs 19.3 Reachability and Transitive Closure 19.4 Equivalence Relations and Partial Orders 19.5 DAGs 19.6 Topological Sorting 19.7 Reachability in DAGs 19.8 Strong Components in Digraphs 19.9 Transitive Closure Revisited 19.10 Perspective Chapter 20.Minimum Spanning Trees 20.1 Representations 20.2 Underlying Principles of MST Algorithms 20.3 Prim's Algorithm and Priority-First Search 20.4 Kruskal's Algorithm 20.5 Boruvka's Algorithm 20.6 Comparisons and Improvements 20.7 Euclidean MST Chapter 21.Shortest Paths 21.1 Underlying Principles 21.2 Dijkstra's Algorithm 21.3 All-Pairs Shortest Paths 21.4 Shortest Paths in Acyclic Networks 21.5 Euclidean Networks 21.6 Reduction 21.7 Negative Weights 21.8 Perspective Chapter 22.Network Flow 22.1 Flow Networks 22.2 Augmenting-Path Maxflow  Algorithms 22.3 Preflow-Push Maxflow  Algorithms 22.4 Maxflow Reductions 22.5 Mincost Flows 22.6 Network Simplex Algorithm 22.7 Mincost-Flow Reductions 22.8 Perspective References for Part Five Index




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