
出版时间:2003-8  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:英格利希 编  页数:273  


听说与读写并重:  该系列丛书分《听说》(Focus on Listening and Speaking)和《读写》(Focus on Reading and Writing)两大系列。其中《听说》的每个单元设置七大版块。大量操练听说,将听力理解能力与表达能力完美结合。教学模式更体现交互式、个性化、自主性:  课本、光盘、网络互为补充,强调互动式学习。注重把教师与学生之间、学生与学生之间的反馈通过练习轻松、自然地反映出来,既有利于提高教学质量、活跃课堂气氛、评估学生学习效果,又激发学生的学习兴趣、提倡自主学习、促进学习效率。配套学习网站(www.longman.com/northstar)免费提供网上资源库、教师指导、网上阅读、写作、听说练习等。注重培养应用能力,非应试教育:  着重生活工作中需要的技能,如:演讲、场景对话、走出教室实战练习、信件、总结、学术小论文等。编写思路明确,编写人员水平出众:  遵循外国人学习英语的普遍规律,由著名美国教育专家Frances Boyd 和Carol Numrich主持、召集英美30多位常年从事对外英语教学的专家和教师编写。语言真实地道,文化信息量大;主题相关,便于巩固:  注重把语言技能的训练与知识文化有机结合起来,使学生在英语学习过程中除了学到语言的形式以外,还学习其文化内容。书中主题丰富多样、贴近生活、时代感强,灵活实用。如:年轻企业家的成功,食物对心情的影响,语言与性别的关系,情商与智商,等等。教材体系完备,可供不同水平学生灵活选用:  《听说》与《读写》系列各分为5个级别,即:入门(Intoductory)、基础(Basic)、中级(Intermediate )、中高级(High Intremediate)、高级(Advanced)。每套教材包括学生用书( Student Book)(含单元测试试题及总测试题)、教师用书( Teachers Manual)、写作练习册 (Activity Book)、配套 CD,极大地方便了教师与学生在教与学中的各种需要。适用对象明确:  该系列教材是为初、中级英语水平学习者而设计编写的。她既适用于各类学校,特别是新入校学生英语水平跨度较大的学校,如新建本科院校、扩招院校、专科学校、双语学校及师范类院校,此外,也适合同年龄层次的社会人士自学及培训机构使用。


Introduction1 Untruth and consequences  Theme: Media  Reading One: Peeping Tom Journalism,Nancy Day  Reading Two: Focus on Bomb Suspect Brings Tears and a Plea,Rick Bragg  Grammar: Passive Voice  Style: Topic Sentences2 Crime and punishment  Theme: Justice  Reading One: Crimebusting:What Works?Metbods of Punishing,Jonhn Di  Consiglio,James Anderson,and Patricia Smith  Reading Two: Micbael Fay's Caning,Sarah Fenske and Tram Kim Nguyen  Grammar: Gerunds and Infinitives  Style: The Three-Part Paragraph3 Dying for their beliefs  Theme: edicine  Reading One: Dying for Their Beliefs:Christian scientist Parents on Trial  in Girl's Death,Jeffrey Good  Reading Two: Norman Cousins's Laugh Therapy  Grammar: Past Unreal Conditionals  Style: Opinion Essays4 The calm after the storm  Theme: Natural Disasters  Reading One: My First Night Alone in the Caribbean,Gabriel Garcia Marquez  Reading Two: The Story of an Eyewitness,Jack London  Grammar: Identifying Adjective Clauses  Style: Descriptive Writing5 From trash to treasure  Theme: Conservation  Reading One: St.Paul Couple Give Composting a Worm Welcome,Chuck Haga  Reading Two: Earthship Homes Catch Old Tires on Rebound,Eva Ferguson   Grammar: Advisability and Obligation in the Pats  Style: Cause and Effect6 Give and learn  Theme: Philanthropy  Reading One: Justin Lebo,Phillip Hoose  Reading Two: Mandatory Volunteering  Grammar: Tag Questions  Style: Punctuation7 Homing in on education  Theme: Education  Reading One: Teaching at Home Hits New High with Internet,Dorothy Lepkowska  Reading Two: The Fun They Had,Isaac Asimov  Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech  Style: Concessions8 We've come a long way9 The grass is always greener10 Take it or leave itAnswer Key



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