出版时间:2002-3-1 出版社:清华大学出版社 作者:丁岭 页数:584
本书介绍了水污染控制的基本理论以及这些理论在处理实际工业废水中的应用,还讨论了一些可使用的替代工艺。书中提供的一系列工业废水处理的例题及实际案例,来自纸浆及造纸、化工与制药、印染、食品与同类产品、金属抛光等各行业。书中提供了大量图表,以利于读者了解工业废水处理设施的设计和运行,书中还给出了许多详细的设计案例。 本书可作为高等院校与水污染控制相关课程的教材,并可供有关科技工作者参考。
Perface1 Source and Characteristics of Industrial Wastewaters 1.1 Undersirable Wastewater Characteristics 1.2 Partial List of Regulations Which Affect Wastewater Treatment Requirements within the United States 1.3 Sources and Characteristics of Wastewaters 1.4 Industrial Waste Survey 1.5 Measuring Characteristics-Estimating the Organic Content 1.6 Measuring Effluent Toxicity 1.7 In-plant Waste Control and Water Reuse 1.8 Stormwater Control2 Watewater Treatment Processes3 Pre-and Primary Treatment 3.1 Equalization 3.2 Neutralization 3.3 Sedimentation 3.4 Oil Separation 3.5 Sour Water Strippers 3.6 Flotation4 Coagulation,Precipitation,and Metals Removal 4.1 Coagulation 4.2 Heavy Metals Removal5 Aeratio and Mass Transfer 5.1 Mechanism of Oxygen Transfer 5.2 Aeration Equipment 5.3 Air Stripping of Volatile Oraganic Compounds6 Principles of Aerobic Biological Oxidation 6.1 Organics Removal Mechanism 6.2 The Mechanisms of Organic Removal by Biooxidation 6.3 Effect of temperature 6.4 Sludge Quality Considerations 6.5 Soluble Microbial Product Formation 6.6 Stripping of Volatile Organics 6.7 Bioinhibition of the Activated Sludge Process 6.8 Nitrification and Denitrification ……7 Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes8 Adorption9 Ion Exchange10 Chemical Oxidatio11 Sludge Handling and Disposal12 Miscellaneous Treatment ProcessesBibliographyIndex