
出版时间:1997-12  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:(美)科尔曼  页数:524  


用于计算机科学的离散数学是大学一、二年级既难教又难学的一门课程。本书深入浅出,由简及繁,将定义和理论抽象压缩到最低限度。除仍像前两版那样以关系和有向图作为中心外,本书增加了较大的灵活性和模块性。本书11章分别为: 基础;逻辑;计数;关系和有向图;函数;图论问题;有序关系及结构;树;半群和群;语言和有限状态机;群和编码。除新增一章图论外,还增加了一些新的小节如: 数学结构,谓词演算,递归关系,用于计算机科学的函数,函数的序,最小生成树。附录B离散数学实验是新增加的;此外,有关递归、逻辑及验证也引入了更多的新材料,排列和组合的表达形式有了扩展,每章都增加了编码练习。本书既可作数学也可作计算机科学或计算机工程课的教材。


Bernard Kolman received his B.S. (summa cum laude with honors in mathemat-
ics and physics) from Brooklyn College in 1954, his Sc.M. from Brown University
in 1956, and his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1965, all in mathe-
matics. During the summers of 1955 and 1956 he worked as a mathematician for
the U.S. Navy, and IBM, respectively, in areas of numerical analysis and simula-
tion. From 1957-1964, he was employed as a mathematician by the UNIVAC
Division of Sperry Rand Corporation, working in the areas of operations
research, numerical analysis, and discrete mathematics. He also had extensive
experience as.a consultant to industry in operations research. Since 1964, he has
been a member of the Mathematics Department at Drexel University, where he
also served as Acting Head of this department. Since 1964, his research activities
have been in the areas of Lie algebras and operations research.
Professor Kolman is the author of numerous papers, primarily in Lie alge-
bras, and has organized several conferences on Lie algebras. He is also well
known as the author of many mathematics textbooks that are used worldwide
and have been translated into several other languages. He belongs to a number
of professional associations and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Mu Epsi'.on,
and Sigma Xi.
Robert C. Busby received his B.S. in Physics from Drexel University in 1963 and
his A.M. in 1964 and Ph.D. in 1966, both in mathematics from the University of
Pennsylvania. From September 1967 to May 1969 he was a member of the math-
ematics department at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. Since 1969 he
has been a faculty member at Drexel University, in what is now the Department
of Mathematics and Computer Science. He has consulted in applied mathemat-
ics in industry and government. This includes a period of three years as a consul-
tant to the Office of Emergency Preparedness, Executive Office of the President,
specializing in applications of mathematics to economic problems. He has had
extensive experience developing computer implementations of a variety of math-
ematical applications.
Professor Busby has written two books and has numerous research papers
in operator algebras, group representations, operator continued fractions, and the
applications of probability and statistics to mathematical demography.
Sharon Cutler Ross received an S.B. in mathematics from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (1965), an M.A.T. in secondary mathematics from
Harvard University (1966), and a Ph.D. also in mathematics from Emory
University (1976). In addition, she is a graduate of the Institute for Retraining in
Computer Science (1984). She has taught junior high, high school, and college
mathematics. She has also taught computer science at the collegiate level. Since
1974, she has been a member of the Department of Mathematics at DeKalb
College. Her current professional interests are in the areas of undergraduate
mathematics education reform and alternative forms of assessment.
Professor Ross is the co-author of two other mathematics textbooks. She is
well known for her activities with the Mathematical Association of America, the
American Mathematical Association of Two -Year Colleges, and UME Trends. In
addition, she is a full member of Sigma Xi and of numerous other professional


第一章  基础                      第二章  逻辑                      第三章  计数                      第四章  关系和有向图                      第五章  函数                      第六章  图论问题                      第七章  有序关系及结构                      第八章  树                      第九章  半群和群                      第十章  语言和有限状态机                      第十一章  群和编码




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