
出版时间:1996年3月1日  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:胡宛如  页数:193  


  本书主要为有一定英语基础的理工科学生编写;其宗旨是指导学生通过阅读范文和仿写实践学习英语写作。本书大体分为四个部分:英文句子的正确写法(第一章);基本写作技巧(第二章);连句谋篇手段(第三章、第四章);应用文写作(第五章)。  为什么倡导学生从阅读和仿写入手学习英语写作呢?  我们的理工科学生有时会抱怨,读过不少讲解写作技巧的书仍然不会用英语写作。造成这种状况的原因很多,其中很重要的两条是他们欠缺强化阅读训练和在此基础上的仿写训练。因此,他们的“使用词汇”数量少,英语的语感太弱,提起笔来自然就难以写下去,而硬性写出来的却往往是一个个由英语单词堆砌成的汉语式的句子。他们能读懂较深奥的专业文献,能辨认大量生僻的单词,却不会用简单的英语写地道的英语句子。为了帮助他们在较短的时间内弥补这一缺憾,我们应该鼓励他们把阅读、仿写和创作结合起来。教学实践证明这是学习写作的一个行之有效的方法。  无论中外,凡写作有成者无不从模仿起步。理工科学生学习英语写作当更离不开这根手杖。他们为了仿写而阅读难度适中的范文时所使用的方法和所得到的感受必然与仅仅为获取信息而阅读时的不同。为了模仿,他们的注意力必将集中在范文的遣词、造句、谋篇及语言环境等活生生的语言现象上,而不仅仅停留在读懂的水平上。在这种阅读基础上再进行“现趸现卖”式的仿写,就会事半功倍。经过一年左右的训练,他们会扩大“活的”词汇量,在仿写实践中掌握写英语句子的“洋味儿”和写英语文章的要领。这个过程可以按本书要求在老师指导下进行,也可按要求循序渐进地自学。




第一章 学习写正确的英文句子1.1 避免典型的错误1.2 句子的连贯性和一致性第一章练习参考答案第二章 常见写作方法训练2.1 定义2.2 例证2.3 分类2.4 描述2.5 因果关系2.6 比较与对照第二章练习参考答案第三章 组织段落3.1 段落的主题句3.2 段落中旬子的衔接3.3 段落内的一致性和连贯性第三章练习参考答案第四章 组织文章4.1 编写提纲4.2 编写开篇段4.3 编写结尾段4.4 展开文章主体第四章练习参考答案第五章 应用文5.1 基本要求5.2 正式信件的格式5.3 邀请信5.4 申请信5.5 推荐信和介绍信5.6 感谢信5.7 求助信5.8 贺信5.9 道歉信5.10 辞职信5.11 其它往来信函5.12 备忘录5.13 电报、电传第五章练习参考答案


  1)We committee members have spent a lot of time investigating the :question of hours. Asyou know, different people have different opinions about the idea. Because you get somany different opinions, its not easy to make a final decision. But we have done whatwe think is right, and if people are not completely happy we hope they wont take ourideas personally.  2)After studying all this information, a committee that included a representative from everydepartment decided to try flex-time for a period of 3 months, starting April 1. At the endof that period, the committee will make a final decision.  3)Since 1984 everybody in this company has worked 40 hours per week. Before 1984, thetotal was 44 hours for some people and 42 for others. We have no intention of changingthe 40 -hour work week. Anyway, if the total number of work hours were to change, itwould be possible only after negotiations between management and union represen-tatives.  4)The report concerns the feasibility of allowing workers to start and stop work at the timesthat suit them best, a practice known as flex-time. Of course, we all understand thateveryone would still work a total of 40 hours per week, as we do now. This idea offlexible working hours was first presented to the directors by some of our workers, manyof whom have young children in school.  5)Everybody in the company is concerned about the question of working hours and so isthe president. Since it is so important we hope the staff will support any decision that is tobe made by the committee.  6)We dont mean the company is in an improper situation. We only want to present the factthat it is hard to make a decision now because opinions differ greatly.



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