
出版时间:1991-07  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:甘礼乐…(等)文 卢敦良…(等)美  




Unit 1
Part A Daydreaming
Part B I . Space Speaks
1 . How Good Are Your Opinions?
Part C 1 . Basic Types of Graphic Aids
1 . How to Grasp the Main Ideasof a Chart
Unit 2
Part A What Happens When Earthworms Eat?
Part B 1 . We Must Begin a Celestial Search forCivilization
1 . The Goldsmiths
Part C How to Describe a Graph (1) : GeneralStatement
Unit 3
Part A- The Scientific Attitude
Part B 1 . If At First You Don't Succeed, Quit
1 . Why So Many People Ignore TrafficLaws
Part C How to Describe a Graph (2) :Comparisonand Emphasis
Unit 4
Part A Curiosity, Accident and Discovery
Part B On Being the Right Size
Part C How to Describe a Graph (3) : Causesand Results
Unit 5
Part A Inventor of Invention
Part B 1 . Pour-dimensional Space-timeContinuum
1 . Riding on Air
Part C How To Describe a Graph (4) : Conclusion,Assumption or Prediction
Unit 6
Part A Facts and Fancies About Talent
Part B 1 . Getting More Go From Your Gas
1 . Japanese and American Workers:Two Casts of Mind
Part C Abstract
Unit 7
Part A The Greatest Resource-Education
Part B Resources for Industry
Part C Summary (1)
Unlt 8
Part A Introduction to Science Pact
Part B I . Is the Perfect Worker aMindless Fool?
1 . The Practical Writer
Part C Summary (2)
Unlt 9
Part A The American Crisis
Part B Marketing Seven Hidden Needs
Part C Summary (3)



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