出版时间:2013-1 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:(美)丹·古德(Guttman Dan),(美)格伦·夏龙( 页数:314
作者:(美国)丹·古德(Guttman Dan) (美国)格伦·夏龙(Shive Glenn) (美国)约翰·内格尔(Nagle John)
Preface Ⅰ.Introductions General Introduction Translating Between China and American Law Systems Ⅱ.Lawyers and the Law in America 1 Law and Lawyers in the U.S.: The Hero—Villain Dichotomy 2 American Public Interest Law 3 An Overview ofClinical Legal Education in the U.S Ⅲ.The Court System and the Judges in America 4 Constrairung Judicial Discretion: The American Experience 5 The American Jury System and the Federal Rules ofEvidence 6 Expert and Scientific Evidence 7 Civil Litigation in the U.S. 8 Judicial Supervision in the U.S Ⅳ.Private and Public in American Law 9 New Technologies and Regulatory Approaches: Crisis, Danger or Opportunity for Copyright and Trademark Law in the U.S 10 Energy and Environmental Law 11 Using Environmental Law 12 Eminent Domain: The Two Edged Sword of U.S Property Law 13 Labor Law in the U.S 14 Labor & Employment Dispute Resolution in the U.S 15 American Crirninaljustice Systems: An Overview Ⅴ.Tools for Research in American Law 16 A Brieflntroduction to U.S. Legal Research Materials
版权页: A principle objective of the clinic is to strengthen their low-income clients knowledge capital, enabling them to better defend their interests and achieve their goal of securing affordable housing despite such common handicaps as lack of wealth,formal education, business and financial experience, and English language proficiency. Furthermore, by becoming homeowners, the clients gain access to the wealth-creating potential of homeownership. As the clinic website notes, the clinic's goal is to "assist clients in developing durable institutions that will last and that will provide a base for acquiring and asserting political and economic power." The clinic reports that as of 2009, over the previous five years, the clinic's tenant ownership services had helped preserve 1,500 units of affordable units in 24 buildings, and that these transactions involved $140 million in financing. Based on this work scale, the clinic notes that it is a "leading nonprofit developer of affordable housing in the District of Columbia, and a national leader among law school clinics that work in community development." One of the best known examples of the clinic' s work in recent years was its assistance to a tenants association to purchase and renovate three apartment buildings located in a gentrifying neighborhood of Washington, D.C. With the clinic's guidance, the association was able to obtain financing to purchase and renovate the buildings, which were in deteriorated condition. The tenant purchase resulted in the preservation of 102 affordable housing units in the neighborhood, with the result that the mostly low-income, African-American and Hispanic residents were able to remain in their homes. The tenant purchase and the clinic's assistance were profiled in a series of stories published by the city's major newspaper in 2005. Clinic Structure and Teaching Methodology: The Community Development and Housing Clinic is located on the campus of Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. In its current form, the clinic is made up of 14 students who carry out their work in teams of two students. The students are supervised by the clinic director, two staff attorneys, and two attorney chnical fellows. Foundation grants and the clinic fees (see above) are used to support the salaries of the law fellows. Second- and third-year law students are admitted to the course through a competitive process involving submission of a personal statement and sometimes personal interviews.