
出版时间:2012-12  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:杨连瑞  页数:187  


  《语言学论丛:中介语发展的话题突出类型学研究》是一部理论和实践并重的第二语言习得研究著作。作者依据当代语言学,特别是二语习得理论和语言类型学理论的最新研究成果,从句法一语用界面研究的视角,对中国英语学习者中介语中的话题突出和主语突出类型特征习得和语用限制之间的相关性进行了实证研究。  《语言学论丛:中介语发展的话题突出类型学研究》主要选择三组中国学生在两种任务中出现的六类(双主语结构、存在结构、假被动语态、零成分、迂回结构和主谓不一致)不同的中介语话题突出类型结构,探讨了中国学生中介语话题突出类型学发展的规律性特点。该研究提出了中介语“话题——主语转移的假设”和“话题突出结构难度等级假设”两个理论假设,并主张中国学生英语中介语类型学特征的发展是…个句法化和语用化的双重过程。该研究最后讨沦了产生这些结构的三个方面原因:母语类型学迁移、语用目标优先权和传统教学失当,并对中国外语教学和中国人学英语提出了建设性意见。  《语言学论丛:中介语发展的话题突出类型学研究》可以作为高等学校外国语言文学专业研究生的参考书,对广大从事外语教学的教师和研究人员也有一定的参考价值。


  杨连瑞,山东费县人,博士、教授,中国海洋大学外国语学院院长,山东大学博士生合作导师,北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心兼职研究员,山东省人文社科重点研究基地外国语言文学研究基地主任。澳大利亚堪培拉大学语言学高级访问学者,英国剑桥大学语言学高级研究学者。教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划获得者。  研究领域为英语语言学、二语习得研究、外语教学理论等。近年来在《现代外语》、《外语学刊》等期刊上共发表论文160余篇,其中在外语类CSSCI期刊上发表学术论文50余篇,论文多次被人大复印资料、《新华文摘》等转载。出版学术著作10余部,代表性论著主要有《二语习得研究与中国外语教学》、《二语习得多学科研究》等。  主持并完成国家社科基金项、目、教育部人文社科研究课题、山东省社科规划重点课题等10余项。曾获第二届全国普通高等学校优秀教学成果国家级二等奖(合作),山东省社会科学优秀成果二等奖1次,三等奖2次,山东省高校优秀社科成果一等奖1次,三等奖3次。  主要学术兼职有:中国涉海高校外语教学研究会会长,中国教育语言学研究会副会长,山东省大学英语教学研究会副会长,国际SSCI应用语言学学术期刊System编委,Language Learning Journal编委等。


表图缩写惯例致谢内容摘要第一章 绪论1.0 引言1.1 研究内容1.2 研究意义1.3 研究理念1.4 研究框架第二章 文献综述及相关研究2.0 引言2.1 语言类型学2.1.1 类型学2.1.2 语言类型学2.1.3 主语和话题类型学2.1.4 汉语中的话题特征及主语2.1.5 汉语和英语中的话题述题2.2 语言普遍性、类型学普遍性及语言迁移2.2.1 第二语言习得中的普遍语法2.2.2 类型学普遍性2.2.3 语言迁移2.2.4 类型学迁移2.3 第二语言表达过程2.3.1 第二语言习得2.3.2 Levelt的话语模式和De Bot的修正模式2.3.3 Pienemann的可加工性理论2.3.4 MacWhinney和Bates的竞争模式2.4 中介语理论2.4.1 中介语的概念2.4.2 中介语作为一种语言系统的探索2.4.3 中介语特征2.4.4 中介语石化现象2.4.5 中介语的类型学构成2.5 中介语发展中的话语突出和主语突出类型学研究2.5.1 话语突出和主语突出类型学研究的争论2.5.2 先前研究的局限性2.6 小结第三章 研究设计3.0 引言3.1 研究目的3.2 受试者3.3 研究任务3.4 数据处理3.5 小结第四章 本课题的研究结果及讨论4.0 引言4.1 三组受试者的话题突出中介语结构4.1.1 初级组中介语话题突出结构的分布4.1.2 中级组中介语话题突出结构的分布4.1.3 高级组中介语话题突出结构的分布4.1.4 三组间对比和分析4.2 中介语话题突出结构的分析4. 2.1 双主格(DN)4.2.2 存现结构(EC)4.2.3 假被动(PP)……第五章 结论附录参考文献后记


  Levelt argues that there is no reason to believe that speakers of different languages think differently or view the world differently. Rather, the Conceptualisers must present different information to be coded in different languages. He suggests that in language acquisi-tion there needs to be feedback between the Formulator and the Con ceptualiser. Let us now consider second language acquisition. In Levelt's terms, learners realize that they have to acquire a new Con-ceptualiser. The Formulator is a different matter. Whether or not they are consciously aware that they have to plan differently in pro-ducing sentences in a second language, the natural tendency would seem to be to rely on the Formulator developed in acquiring the first language.  De Bot (1992) is the first to postulate a bilingual language pro-duction model based on Levelt's (1989) model for monolinguals. A bilingual language production model should not qualitatively differ from the monolingual model, and yet has to be able to account for the phenomena observed in second language production. The conclu-sion is drawn that with respect to the Conceptualiser, levelt's ideas had to be modified: rather than assuming that the Conceptualiser is completely language specific, it is likely that in the first of the two production phases in the conceptualiser, the macroplanning is not language specific, whereas in the second phase, the miroplanning is language specific. In the conceptualiser communicative intentions are given form in the preverbal message, which contains information about the language in which part of an utterance is to be produced. Through this information the relevant language specific formulator is activated. In the formulator the preverbal message is converted into a speech plan very much in the same way as unilingual processing takes place in Levelt' s model. The different formulators submit their speech plan to an articulator which is not language specific and which stores the possible sounds and prosodic patterns of the languages. The adapted version of Levelt's model appears to provide a good explanation of various aspects of language production.  2.3.3 Pienemann's Processability Theory  Pienemann (1998, 2003) proposes the Processability Theory (PT) which explores learners' processing capacities and how such capacities influence the development of their interlanguage. Accord-ing to Pienemann, PT not only sheds light on the processing proce-dures in L2 learning but also helps understand the constraining fac-tors on language transfer. The assumption made by PT is that L2 learners can produce only those linguistic forms for which they have acquired the necessary processing prerequisites. In other words, only when the necessary processing procedures are available can the learn-ers produce relevant structures in the interlanguage.  Pienemann (1998, 2003) proposes that L2 acquisition generally involves five procedures: lemma, category procedure, phrasal proce-dure, S-procedure and subordinate clause procedure. These proce-dures form a hierarchy and each of them is related to the acquisition of certain linguistic features. The hierarchy of processing procedures is illustrated in the following Table 2.5.  ……



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