读新闻 学英文 1

出版时间:2012-10  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:汤毅坚  页数:177  字数:174000  




1 bride wants divorce after using airport toilet
2 hubby keeps house, wife takes roof
3 model caned for passing gas
4 man asks for jail to escape wife
5 his father is his grandfather
6 keep having babies until have twins
7 childless want maternity leave
8 political standoff of feuding towns
9 wash. man wants tapeworm on state seal
10 ga. man wants chicken as state bird
11 man wants his dog to run for mayor
12 man slaps stranger's child
13 the result of a $63,500 study
14 man deported to wrong country
15 boy has a 7-year-old father
16 nypd repeatedly arrests wrong man
17 man bites through neighbor's lips
18 man gets ticket for blowing nose
.19 speed camera tickets parked car
20 drunken pilot can't find runway
21 it's a wrong sydney
22 bus takes wrong students for field trip
23 birthday boy left behind at restaurant
24 $500,000 police vehicle illegal to drive
25 house mistakenly auctioned by bank
26 pilot asks tractor driver for directions
27 man stuck in clothes dryer
28 men shot each other to test pain
29 policeman scratches nose with gun
30 misunderstanding leads to $128.6m jackpot
31 burglar thought it was his home
32 man steals beer and returns
33 robber asks clerk not to tell mom
34 bank robbers call ahead so that money is ready
35 man hands out business cards before robbery
36 officer helps him to find what he is looking for
37 robber calls cops when punched
38 man steals one shoe
39 fleeing suspect ends up in prison yard
40 murderer tells jokes from jail
41 robber forgets ski mask
42 judge takes chicken in lieu of service
43 woman is sentenced to write sentences
44 bar patron arrested for kissing police dog
45 man jailed over yelling at parrot
46 karaoke singer attacked over bad singing
47 school canceled due to good weather
48 humane lobster killing device
49 italians' world slow day
50 woman marries self
51 man uncovers gold hoard with metal detector
52 record breaking 1,400 relatives
53 world's smallest man ever
54 world's smallest mom has third child
55 blind driver hits 200 mph
56 78 forks, spoons removed from her stomach
57 man has 241 piercing on his body
58 teacher marries fourth-grader in his classroom
59 kidnap victim cut off by emergency services
60 robber prays with victim
61 chef poisoned after eating blowfish liver
62 baby's fractured head wrapped in duct tape
63 "just kill him"
64 grandma robs two banks in one hour
65 inmate escapes in cardboard box
66 woman dead in bed for 8 months
67 11-year-old gives birth on wedding day
68 98-year-old woman kills 100-year-old roommate
69 two men reserve 28,000 hotel rooms
70 obese man found not guilty of dwi
71 woman to lose license over 25-year-old ticket
72 nuke missile silo fire undetected
73 drunken passengers fight aboard
74 bull-run turns fatal
75 police's malfunction costs her life
76 man accidentally ejected from plane
77 plane dismantled to find lost phone
78 man struck by piece of airplane
79 exploding chewing gum kills student
80 engagement ring falls from hot air balloon
81 piece of plastic in man's lung
82 condolences sent to living soldier's wife
83 record long fingernails broken
84 pioneer pilot flies again at age 99
85 5-year-old body builder sets world record
86 boy, 2, pulls baby girl from fire
87 world's most expensive dog
88 gambler loses $127 million in one year
89 stray dog saves lost toddler
90 man keeps 4,600 scorpions as pets
91 pet turkey needs eye surgery
92 large spider crawls on pope during speech
93 jumping cow damages roof
94 turtle's gas triggers alarms
95 black parents have three white children
96 500-carat diamond found at s. african mine
97 frog eats entire snake
98 dead man's brain is missing
99 girl has 2.2-pound clump of hair in stomach
100 baby born with 12 fingers, 12 toes
101 sticking out tongue ruled illegal
102 boy sleepwalks to school at night
103 man guilty to running over ducklings
104 bee swarm kill 6
105 bear goes upstairs in home to attack man
106 huge rat attacks woman
107 hippo kills poacher
108 crocodile bites shark in two
109 camels trample town
110 woman faces jail time for feeding feral cats
111 man has five kidneys
112 operation to turn brown eyes blue
113 grandma gets $3,200 bid on ebay
114 couple driven out of home by mystery noise
115 man conquers amazon river
116 buying large eggs is cruel to hens
117 it's raining birds on western australia
118 patient misdiagnosed coma for 23 years
119 airport opens restrooms for dogs
120 a church building has been stolen
121 double murderer executed in ohio
122 airline offers rain compensation
123 burglar lives in house for a week
124 toilet seat museum
125 the most expensive hotel rooms in las vegas
126 community underneath las vegas
127 laser treatment causes woman to have a beard
128 woman, 75, crashes into the same store for 2nd time
129 microbrewery sells beer soap
130 man, 96, holds his own wake
131 nasa's new space program
132 life on mars
133 nasa photographs "trees" on mars
134 woman photographs mystery object in sky
135 space hotel to open in 2012
136 giant crack in africa will become new ocean
137 earthquakes shifts earth's axis
138 people in chile see ufo before the earthquake
139 blind man sees wife for first time
140 australia reveals prototype bionic eye
141 chimpanzee can make plans
142 artificial heart inspired by cockroach
143 removing gallbladder through mouth
144 people with fewer teeth prone to die of heart disease
145 turning on light at night causes cancer
146 seaweed may halt swine flu spread
147 extra pounds are good for old people
148 getting dirty is the answer to good health
149 sperm and eggs created from stem cells
150 researchers grow teeth in mice
151 turn chickens into dinosaurs
152 the flying car goes into production
153 the car that uses urine
154 duct tape holds airliner together
155 shark-repelling anklet
156 new high-tech dirigibles
157 hacker disables more than 100 cars remotely
158 bigfoot hunters claim they have footprint
159 why researchers do obvious studies
160 global warming may come to a standstill


  赌徒在一年内输掉1亿2700万美元  一个来自内布拉斯加州的52岁的男子据信是拉斯维加斯历史上最大的输家。他在一年内输掉了1亿2700万美元,损失掉他花了20多年时间积累起来的私人财产的大部分。这也使那家赌场公司大大得益。那家公司2007年的赌场收入中有大约5. 6%是从他那里获得的。  如今,那个男子和那家赌场正在诉讼,争论赌场对他的损失是不是应该承担一些责任。那个男子在一起民事诉讼中说,那家赌场公司安排了一系列计划,使他不断地在那家赌场赌博。他们每个月为他支付12500美元飞机票款,并且在礼品商店给他50万美元礼金。当他在一张赌桌上的损失大于50万美元的时候,赌场还退给他15%现金。  那个男子在那家赌场旅馆免费居住一个3间卧室的套房,有权使用他最喜爱的酒吧男招待,喝一个特别品牌的伏特加酒。服务员经常围着他转,满足他的各种需要,例如赌场餐厅为他准备7道大菜的正餐,在他赌博的时候送上他的赌桌。  那个男子会连续24小时不下赌桌,有时候一天之内就输掉多达500万美元。他被允许同时玩3手“21点”,每一手的赌注限额为5万美元。一些员工回忆说,那个男子走路摇摇晃晃,并且在紧挨着夜总会刺耳的音乐声的赌桌上睡着了。  有几个员工说,那家赌场公司想方设法留住这个拉斯维加斯最赚钱的顾客。赌场内部的员工休息室里挂着那个男子的照片。  ……



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