
出版时间:2012-9  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:张勇,段君玮 主编  页数:322  字数:486000  




Chapter 1 Choosing Your Computer
Section A Choosing Your Computer: Desktop or Laptop?
Section B Pros and Cons of the Desktop Computers
Section C Pros and Cons of Laptop Computers
Grammar 1 科技英语的语言特点(I)
Chapter 2 Computer Hardware
Section A CPU
Section B Memory
Section C I/O Subsystem Organization and Interfacing
Grammar 2 科技英语的语言特点(II)
Chapter 3 Computer Languages
Section A Programming Language
Section B The Java Language
Section C JSP
Grammar 3 科技英语的写作特点(I)
Chapter 4 Windows 7
Section A Features New to Windows 7
Section B Removed Features
Section C Details of Windows 7
Grammar 4 科技英语的写作特点(II)
Chapter 5 Windows Programming
Section A Windows Programming Options
Section B Using Unicode in Windows
Section C Windows and Messages
Grammar 5 科技英语的写作特点(III)
Chapter 6 Software Engineering
Section A The Tar Pit
Section B The Software Life Cycle
Section C Design Methodologies
Grammar 6 科技英语翻译方法与技巧(I)
Chapter 7 Get Your Arms around Microsoft SQL Server
Section A Introduction to SQL Server 2005
Section B Database Scalability Revisited
Section C Features for Database Development
Grammar7 科技英语翻译方法与技巧(II)
Chapter 8 Computer Networking and Networking Security
Section A Computer Networking
Section B History and Present Situation of the Internet
Section C Networking Security
Grammar8 科技英语翻译方法与技巧(III)
Chapter 9 NET Framework
Section A What is.NET?
Section B Using Visual Studio.NET
Section C Using the .NET SDK
Grammar 9 谈科巧翻译中的长句的翻译
Chapter l0 Distributed Systems
Section A Characterization of Distributed Systems
Section B Challenges of Distributed Systems
Section C Architecture Models of Distributed Systems
Grammar10 科技文献翻译中的汉语表达
Chapter 11 Artificial Intelligence
Section A Expert Systems
Section B Strategies for State Space Search
Section C Current Challenges and Future Directions
Grammar 11 英语科技文献的阅读技巧(I)
Chapter 12 Digital Media Technology
Section A Introduction of Digital Media Technology
Section B Virtual Reality Technology
Section C Virtual Reality Modeling Language
Grammar12 英语科技文献的阅读技巧(II)
Chapter 13 Embedded System
Section A Introduction of Embedded System
Section B History and Future
Section C Application Area
Grammar 13 谈谈科技英语听力的学习方法
Chapter 14 Internet of Things
Section A The Development History
Section B The Key Technology
Section C Challenges and Concerns
Grammar 14 科技英语文体的基本特点
Chapter 15 Cloud Computing
Section A What Cloud Computing Really Means
Section B Mobile Cloud Computing
Section C Clash of the Clouds
Grammar15 其他计算机英语文体的写作技巧


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