出版时间:2012-7 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:魏高原 编 页数:257 字数:500000
第一部分 (PartⅠ) 基础化学讲座(Chemistry Lectures)
第1章 (Chapter 1)化学的本质(The Nature of Chemistry)
Homework No.1
第2章 (Chapter 2)作为定量科学和物质科学的化学(Chemistry as a Quantitative Science
and a Science of Matter)
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Numbe in Physical Quantities
2.3 Units of Measurement
2.4 The Dimeional Method and Problem Solving
2.5 Atoms and Elements
2.6 Atomic Structure:Five Classic Experiments
2.7 Nuclear Arithmetic
2.8 Kinds of Matter
Homework No.2
第3章 (Chapter 3)原子、分子和离子(Atoms,Molecules and Io)
3.1 Atoms and Io in Combination
3.2 Atomic,Molecular and Molar Mass Relatiohips
3.3 Composition of a Chemical Compound.Simplest and
Empirical Formulas.and Molecular Formulas
Homework No.3
第4章 (Chapter 4)气态(The Gaseous State)
4.1 The Nature of Gases
4.2 Volume,Pressure and Temperature Relatiohips
4.3 Mass Molecular and Molar Relatiohips
4.4 Behavior of Gas Molecules
Homework No.4
第5章 (Chapter 5)化学反应和化学计算法(Chemical Reactio and Stoichiometry)
5.1 Chemical Change:Equatio and Types of Reactio
5.2 Stoichiometry
Homework No.5
第6章 (Chapter 6)热化学(Thermochemislry)
6.1 Energy
6.2 Heats of Reaction and Other Enthalpy Changes
6.3 Measuring Heat
Homework No.6
第7章 (Chapter 7) 有机化合物和基团的命名(NomencIatur.e for Organic Compounds and
7.1 Saturated and Uaturated Hydrocarbo
7.2 Functional Groups with Covalent Single Bonds
7.3 Functional Groups with Covalent Double Bonds
Homework No.7
第8章 (Chapter 8)碳水化合物、氨基酸、蛋白质和脂肪(carbohydrates,Amino Acids.Protein
and Fat)
8.1 Carbohydrates
8.2 Amino Acids and Protein
8.3 Fat
Homework No.8
第9章 (Chapter 9) 聚合反应:由简单分子到高分子(PoIymerization
Reaction:from Simple Molecules to Polyme)
9.1 Step-Growth Polymerization and Condeation Polyme
9.2 Chain-Growth Polymerization and Addition Polyme
Homework No.9
第二部分 (Part 1I)重要专业术语(Significant Terms)
第10章 (Chapter 1 0)无机化学术~(Inorganic Chemical Terms)
第11章 (Chapter 1 1)有机化学术~(Organic Chemical Terms)
11.1 Hydrocarbo
11.2 Hydrocarbo and Energy
11.3 Some Introductory Concepts
11.4 Organic Compounds and Their Formulas
11.5 Organic Chemistry as a Basis for Studying Biochemisty and
Synthetic Polyme
第12章 (Chapter 12)物理化学术语(Physical Chemical Terms)
第13章 (Chapter 13)分析化学术语(Analytical Chemical Terms)
第14章 (Chapter 14)高分子化学术~(Polymer Chemical Terms)
14.1 Polyme
14.2 Natural Polyme
14.3 polymer Nomenclature
14.4 Hjstorical IntrodUrtion
14.5 Recycling Synthetic Polyme
第15章 (Chapter 15)生物化学术语(Biochemical Terms)
15.1 Biochemistry
15.2 Levels of Structures in Biological Macromolecules
15.3 DNA and Protei:Which Came Fit in the Life’s Chemical
15.4 The RNA World
第16章 (Chapter 16)环境化学术语(Environmental Chemical Terms)
16.1 Prologue on Energy and Sustainability
16.2 Natural Energy Flows
16.3 Crisis of Atmospheric Chemistry
16.4 The Chemical Control of Climate:the Global Warme
16.5 GreeD Chemistry and Development of Green
Chemicals and Catalysts
第17章 (Chapter 17)药物化学术语(Medicinal Chemical Terms)
17.1 Scope of Medicinal Chemistry
17.2 Basic Medicinal Chemieal Terms from IUPAC Recommendatio(1998)
17.3 Rehabilitation of Old Drugs and Development of New Ones
第三部分 (PartⅢ) 化学文献选讲(Chemical Literature)
第18章 (Chapter 18)说明性短文(Descriptive Short Articles)
18.1 Laboratory Safety Rules
18.2 Keeping Records
18.3 Use of a Balance
18.4 An Experiment
18.5 Molecular Weight of a Substance
18.6 Tools of Chemistry:N uclear Magnetic Resonance
18.7 Tools of Chemistry:the Computer
第19章 (Chapter 19)期刊论文(Periodical Pape)
19.1 Progesterone from 3-Acetoxybisnor-5-cholenaldehyde and
19.2 Exact Shapes of Random Walks in TWO Dimeio
19.3 Modelling of Molecular Networks with
Negative Poisson’S Ratios
第20章 (Chapter 20)获奖演说(Award-Receiving Speeches)
20.1 The Discovery of Crown Ethe by Charles J.Pedeen
20.2 Concept and Innovation in Polymer Science by Paul J.Flory
20.3 Scientific Research Moves towards the 21st Century by Sam
第四部分 (PartⅣ) 附录(Appendices)
附录A 单位、常数等实用资料(Tables of Units,Cotants and
Other Useful MateriaI)
Table A.1 Fundamental Cotants
Table A.2 Commonly Used Prefixes
Table A.3 Base Units of the International System of Units
Table A.4 Derived Units of the International System of Units
Table A.5 Atomic Masses Listed Alphabetically
Table A.6 Greek Alphabet
Table A.7 List of Audio-Video Material Teaching
Basic Chemistry
附录B 补充习题与已有习题答案(Additional Homework and Aweto Existing Homework)
B.1 Additional Homework
B.2 Awe to Existing Homework
附录C 试题举例(Sample Mid-Term and Final Exams)
C.1 Sample Mid-Term Exam
C.2 Sample Final Exam
C.3 A Complete Sample Exam with Awe
附录D 科技阅读和翻译课文(Useful Texts for Scientific Reading and Tralatio)
D.1 Selected Speed Reading Texts
D.2 Texts for English-to-Chinese Tralation
D.3 Texts for Chinese-to-English Tralation
附录E 科技会话常用课文与词汇(Useful Texts and Vocabulary for Scientific
E.1 Selected Speaking Texts
E.2 Useful Words for Scientifically Speaking
附录F 基本化学术语总汇及索引(Baisc Chemical Terms and Index)