
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:陈宁、 池玫 北京大学出版社 (2012-08出版)  




Chapter 1 Welcoming Clients Part A Situational Dialogue Communicative Scene 1 Communicative Scene 2 Communicative Scene 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D Practice Chapter 2 Seeking Business Opportunity Part A Situational Dialogue Communicative Scene 1 Communicative Scene 2 Communicative Scene 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D Practice Chapter 3 Making Inquiries Part A Situational Dialogue Communicative Scene 1 Communicative Scene 2 Communicative Scene 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D Practice Chapter 4 Business Appointment and Arrangement Part A Situational Dialogue Communicative Scene 1 Communicative Scene 2 Communicative Scene 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D Practice Chapter 5 Offer and Counter Offer Part A Situational Dialogue Communicative Scene 1 Communicative Scene 2 Communicative Scene 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D Practice Chapter 6 At China Import and Export Fair Part A Situational Dialogue Communicative Scene 1 Communicative Scene 2 Communicative Scene 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D Practice Chapter 7 Business Visit Part A Situational Dialogue Communicative Scene 1 Communicative Scene 2 Communicative Scene 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D Practice Chapter 8 Innovative and Power Brand Strategy Part A Situational Dialogue Communicative Scene 1 Communicative Scene 2 Communicative Scene 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D Practice Chapter 9 Packing and Quality Inspection Part A Situational Dialogue Communicative Scene 1 Communicative Scene 2 Communicative Scene 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D Practice …… Chapter 10 Acceptance and Orders Chapter 11 Business Telephone Calls Chapter 12 Terms of Payment Chapter 13 Business Negotiation Chapter 14 Sign a Contract Chapter 15 Cargo Delivery Chapter 16 Business Conference Chapter 17 Sales Promotion Chapter 18 Interview Chapter 19 Complaints Chapter 20 Banquet and Parting Appendix 1 Translation to Situational Dialogues Appendix 2 Suggested Key to Practice


版权页:   1.attending the fair 参展 参展是企业与客户建立和保持业务联系的最有效的方式之一。与前来展摊的客户进行交谈绝非易事。如同在参展前准备样品、布置展摊一样,这种交谈需要一定的技巧。某些客户可能成为企业产品的未来买主,企业代表在展台对他们的接待将决定着参展的成功与否。 (1)与客户接洽的第一步是鼓励他们在你处展台驻足,要显得热忱,让人感到你们乐意与他们交谈。例如: Have you seen our latest innovation? 你们见过我们最近的新产品吗? Do you import products from China? 您从中国进口产品吗? (2)取得客户的资料,这对企业日后与客户保持联系是很重要的。通常这么说: May I have you r business card,please? 您能否给一张名片? (3)呈上自己的名片(上面须有详细的资料,如公司名称、姓名、电话号码、手机号和E—mail,有的背面还注明了企业的经营范围及企业网址)。名片要设计新颖,以吸引客户。 例如:Hello,I'm Bill,here is my card. 您好,我是Bill,这是我的名片。 (4)保留交谈记录,以便日后与参观者进一步联系,增加业务的可能性:记录内容为客户名片、经营范围、对哪些产品感兴趣、产品的资料。 (5)同时要注意以下三点: ①要自信。②要熟悉El己的产品。因为买家可能非常专业,这就要求我们也要专业。③要注意礼节,因为各个国家的习俗是不一样的。 2.introduction of products 产品介绍 企业参展的目的是推销自己的产品,产品介绍得成功与否直接影响交易的成败,通常我们可以这样介绍产品: 让我来介绍一下产品的特色之处吧。它是用真皮/木头/钢材/铝制成的。重量只有2.3公斤。有多种颜色可供选择。





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