出版时间:2012-3 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:姚骏华 编 页数:738
版权页: 插图: abandon v.抛弃,放弃,遗弃,废弃,委付 Jack abandoned all the estates when heinherited them. 杰克在继承时放弃了对所有遗产的继承权。 A contract can be discharged when bothparties decide to abandon it. 当合同双方决定废止合同时,合同即告终止。 The occupation or possession of propertylost,abandoned,or without an ownermust depend on an actual taking of theproperty with an intent to reduce it topossession. 对遗失物、抛弃物或者无主物的占有必须建立在主体以自己的意志对物进行实际支配的基础上。 Abandoned property is available to thegeneral public,and whoever takes possession of it becomes its owner. 抛弃物可为任何人所得,无论谁占有了该物,他即成为该物的所有人。 Creditors who do not report their claimsduring these periods shall be deemed tohave automatically abandoned theirclaims. 债权人逾期未申报债权的,视为自动放弃债权。 It is expected that most legislators will agree to abandon the regulation on Friday. 预计周五大多数立法者会同意废止这一法规。 She abandoned her husband and children and went off with another man. 她抛弃了自己的丈夫和孩子,跟另一个男人跑了。 Whoever abandons an infant shall be imposed upon a fine of not more than 1,000yuan by a public security organ. 遗弃婴儿的,由公安部门处以一千元以下的罚款。 Where the subject matter insured has become a constructive total loss and the insured demands indemnification from theinsurer on the basis of a total loss,thesubject matter insured shall be abandoned to the insurer. 保险标的发生推定全损,被保险人要求保险人按照全部损失赔偿的,应当向保险人委付保险标的。 abandonment n.放弃,遗弃,委付 Nonuse for two consecutive years shall beprima facie evidence of abandonment. 连续两年未被使用,是抛弃的初步证据。 Once the public sees that we’re helpingenforce the existing abandonment laws,they’ll know that abandonment is notonly immoral,but is also punishable aswell. 一旦公众了解我们在积极实施现行的遗弃法,他们会知道遗弃不仅不道德,而且是要遭受惩罚的。 If a spouse suing for divorce claims thatthe other spouse abandoned her,herspouse might defend the suit on theground that she provoked the abandonment. 如果夫妻一方起诉要求离婚称对方遗弃她,另一方可以主张是对方的原因导致遗弃来为自己辩护。