
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:张华  页数:210  




chapter 1 lexicology and basic concepts of words and vocabulary
1.1 the definition of english lexicology
1.1.1 the domains of english lexicology
1.1.2 methods of study of lexicology
1.2 the definition of word
1.3 the definition of vocabulary
1.4 classification of words
1.4.1 full word and form word
1.4.2 popular word and learned word
1.4.3 abstract word and concrete word
1.4.4 transparent word and opaque word
1.4.5 polysemic word and monosemic word
1.4.6 native word and loan word
chapter 2 the development of the english vocabulary
2.1 the world languages
2.2 language classifications
2.2.1 morphological classification
2.2.2 structural classification
2.3 the indo-european language family
2.4 the historical overview of english vocabulary
2.4.1 old english (450——1150)
2.4.2 middle english (1150——1500)
2.4.3 modern english (1500——up to now)
2.5 three main sources of new words of the present-day english
2.5.1 the rapid development of modern science and technology
2.5.2 social, economic, and political changes
2.5.3 the influence of other cultures and languages
2.6 modes of the development of the english vocabulary
2.6.1 creation
2.6.2 semantic change
2.6.3 borrowing
chapter 3 the structure of english words and word-formation in
3.1 the structure of english words
3.1.1 the morphological structures of words
3.1.2 types of morphemes
3.1.3 root, stem and base
3.2 wordformation in english
3.2.1 affixation
3.2.2 compounding
3.2.3 conversion
3.2.4 blending
3.2.5 clipping
3.2.6 acronymy
3.2.7 back-formation
chapter 4 word meaning
4.1 meaning
4.1.1 analytical (referential) definitions of meaning
4.1.2 operational (contextual) definitions of meaning
4.2 meanings of meaning
4.2.1 reference
4.2.2 concept
4.2.3 sense
4.3 types of motivation
4.3.1 onomatopoeic motivation
4.3.2 morphological motivation
4.3.3 semantic motivation
4.3.4 etymological motivation
4.4 types of meaning
4.4.1 grammatical meaning
4.4.2 lexical meaning
4.4.3 conceptual meaning
4.4.4 associative meaning
chapter 5 sense relations
5.1 polysemy
5.1.1 two approaches to polysemy
5.1.2 two processes of development
5.2 homonymy
5.2.1 types of homonyms
5.2.2 origins of homonyms
5.3 synonymy
5.3.1 sources of synonyms
5.3.2 discrimination of synonyms
5.3.3 association and collocation
5.4 antonymy
5.4.1 types of antonyms
5.4.2 characteristics of antonyms and the use of antonyms
5.5 hyponymy
5.5.1 superordinate and snhordinate terms
5.5.2 effect of them in use
chapter 6 changes in word meaning
6.1 can meaning change?
6.2 types' of changes
6.2.1 extension
6.2.2 narrowing
6.2.3 elevation
6.2.4 degradation
6.3 causes of changes
6.3.1 linguistic factors
6.3.2 extra-linguistic factors
chapter 7 meaning and context
7.1 types of context
7.1.1 linguistic context
7.1.2 extra-linguistic context
7.2 the role of context
7.2.1 elimination of ambiguity
7.2.2 clues for inferring word meaning in context
chapter 8 english dictionaries
8.1 the development of dictionaries
8.1.1 the origins of english dictionaries
8.1.2 the first english dictionaries
8.1.3 modern english dictionaries
8.2 types of dictionaries
8.2.1 linguistic and non-linguistic dictionaries
8.2.2 monolingual and bilingual dictionaries
8.2.3 general-purpose and specific-purpose dictionaries
8.3 using a dictionary
8.3.1 the dictionary entry
8.3.2 spelling
8.3.3 pronunciation
8.3.4 parts of speech and inflected forms of words
8.3.5 labels
8.3.6 the definition
8.3.7 etymology
8.3.8 synonyms
keys to exercises


  But if you go away from well-governed States to Crito's friends in Thessaly,where there is great disorder and license, they will be charmed to have the tale ofyour escape from prison, set off with ludicrous particulars of the manner in whichyou were wrapped in a goatskin or some other disguise, and metamorphosed as thefashion of runaways is——that is very likely; but will there be no one to remind youthat in your old age you violated the most sacred laws from a miserable desire of alittle more life? Perhaps not, if you keep them in a good temper; but if they are outof temper you will hear many degrading things; you will live, but how? —— as theflatterer of all men, and the servant of all men; and doing what ?- eating anddrinking in Thessaly, having gone abroad in order that you may get a dinner. Andwhere will be your fine sentiments about justice and virtue then? Say that you wishto live for the sake of your children, that you may bring them up and educatethem——will you take them into Thessaly and deprive them of Athenian citizenship?Is that the benefit which you would confer upon them? Or are you under theimpression that they will be better cared for and educated here if you are still alive,although absent from them; for that your friends will take care of them? Do youfancy that if you are an inhabitant of Thessaly they will take care of them, and if youare an inhabitant of the other world they will not take care of them? Nay; but if theywho call themselves friends are truly friends, they surely wilt.   ……?




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  •   还不错,让我对英语词汇有了初步的了解
  •   学校教学用书,书还挺干净的,内容很适合初学者学习英语词汇,从起源开始讲起,分门别类
  •   拿来当教材了。但是词汇学的内容真实枯燥呀,我不是评论此书哦,是说词汇学这个课程。
  •   学习让买的教材书,适合初级人士使用,不是很全面
  •   教材用书,适合初级人士使用
  •   学校让买的教材,适合初级阶段的
  •   学校教材,比去学校买便宜。
  •   读了,感觉很实用。
  •   这是学校老师的书,不过她会发讲义的!孩子们注意!
  •   仅是后面的词汇表便需要下一番功夫背诵啦,好好背背真心有用
  •   帮朋友买的,发货速度挺快
  •   这个书基本一学期就要重印刷修订。这里的版本是2012年印刷的,最新版是2013年9月的。还是等到上课时在学校买吧。
  •   不推荐买这本 还是小戴的好
  •   学校用书,内容比较适合初级阶段人士使用
  •   适合对词汇学感兴趣的人阅读 但是英语专业的不太推荐
  •   生词很多,同一意思的词有多种表达方式,受益匪浅。
  •   老师推荐用的教材,重点应该是后面的附录吧
  •   老师推荐的教材 挺不错 除了全英文以外,。。。
  •   跟我在图书馆看到的一样,就是有些贵。
  •   上课用的 质量还不错
  •   很一般,没什么用的感觉

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