
出版时间:2011-9  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:赵永青,姚振军 主编  页数:318  




Chapter 1 Invitations to Linguistics
Chapter 2 Speech Sounds
Chapter 3 From Morpheme to Phrase
Chapter 4 From Word to Text
Chapter 5 Meaning
Chapter 6 Language and Cognition
Chapter 7 Language, Culture and Society
Chapter 8 Language in Use
Chapter 9 Language and Literature
Chapter 10 Language and Computer
Chapter 11 Language and Foreign Language Teaching
Chapter 12 Theories and Schools of Modern Linguistics


  (2) Reliability: Reliability can be defined as consistency. If a test produces the same or very similar results when given to the same candidate twice in succession or marked by different people, it is regarded as having high degree of reliability. Reliability can be affected by two kinds of error.  The extrinsic sources of error consist of the  variability of the testers and testees, and the variability of the test situation.  The intrinsic sources of error are within the test itself. These occur when there is a lack of stability or equivalence. a. stability reliability. A measuring device is stable ifit gives the same reading when uscd twice on the same object, assuming there is no  change in the object between the two measurements stability reliability is also called test-retest reliability, because it is estimated by testing and retesting the same candidates, and then correlating their scores. b. Equivalence reliability. A measuring device is equivalent to another if they produce the same results when used on the same objects. To estimate equivalence reliability, the tester can either construct two parallel tests with the same items of the same degree of difficulty, or compare two tests of similar nature.   (3)Validity and reliability under criticism: Many people who take the communicative approach to language teaching cast doubts on validity and reliability as standard test requirements. One of their reasons is that there does not exist an absolute validity.If its theoretical foundation is linguistic competence, test with high contentconstruct or concurrent validity may still fail to show how well the learner can use the language in communicative contexts. Therefore, validity only exists in correspondence with specified criteria. If the criteria themselves are not appropriate, then the validity of the test is not of much value. Classified by different aims, there are at least four major types of test:  (1) Aptitude test: Aptitude test attempts to measure the learner's aptitude or natural abilities to learn languages. This type of test usually consists of several different tests which measure respectively the ability to identify and remember sound  patterns in a new language, the ability to identify the grammatical functions of  different parts of sentences, the ability to work out meanings without explanation in a new language, and the ability to remember words, rules and so on in a new language. In order to assess these abilities, artiricial languages are often employed.   (2) Proriciency test: The purpose of proficient test is to discover what the testee already knows about the target language. A proriciency test is not concerned with any particular course but the learner-s general level of language mastery. An example of proficiency test is the American TOEFL, which is used to measure the English language proficiency of foreign students who wish to study in the USA.  The former EPT and the current PETS tests offered by the Ministry of Educationalso belong to this category.  ……




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  •   有得写写了,是语言学方面不错的练习
  •   想好语言学基础必备的一本书,里面把语言学术语都全部总结,解析,还有大量的练习,推荐~~~~~
  •   这是一本好书,能有助于学习语言学,对考研也有帮助
  •   知识的总结条理清晰,题不错!如果能对难点做适当讲解就更好了!对考研很有帮助!
  •   练习题挺好的,有基础部分和加强部分,编排也不错
  •   老师推荐的。去年才出的新书。整理的很好,老师说以后将奉为考研必备宝典。总结的很全面的喏。
  •   这本书很好,我非常满意。
  •   这本书简单易懂,我借到了汉语版,结合着看还不错
  •   有助于提高成绩 很好的一本书
  •   真本书很有用,是学姐推荐的,有帮助
  •   必备!实用!!!
  •   好好好~非常喜欢
  •   很好用质量也好当当还是不错的
  •   好书,轻巧正版实货,纸质好得很
  •   必备,实用!!!
  •   老师推荐的,上课需要,内容还是挺好的,对语言学的学习有帮助。
  •   这是我们老师推荐买的,买了之后,看了看,发现内容挺好的,与教材密切相连。
  •   快一个星期了 怎么还没到啊 什么嘛
  •   质量还行,贵了点
  •   灭绝大姑妈!!
  •   条理挺清晰的

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