
出版时间:2011-4  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:程幼强 主编  页数:202  


本册教材共分12个单元,每个单元由Text A和Text


Unit 1 Positive Attitude
Unit 2 Happy Childhood
Unit 3 Friends or Enemies
Unit 4 Ancient Myths
Unit 5 In Pursuit of Happiness
Unit 6 Benign Angel
Unit 7 The Sign of Dreams
Unit 8 Great Minds
Unit 9 Lanauaae and Thouaht
Unit 10 Menaces Around
Unit 11 Renaissance Art
Unit 12 Student Life


  Research studies followed in the book's wake and continue today. And many of them seem to support the notion that humor does a body good. Researchers at the University of Texas followed 2,478 people 65 and older for six years. They found that subjects who scored'5 high on a happiness questionnaire had a much lower risk of stroke than others. The happier folks were, the more protective the effect seemed to be.  In May 2003, Japanese researchers announced that a little laughter around the dinner table might help people with Type II diabetes, the most common form of the disease.  It turns out that being able to laugh at yourself——or at least being able to see humor in~0 difficult situations——may help your heart, too. At an American Heart Association meeting in November 2000, University of Maryland Medical Centre doctors presented research findings suggesting laughter may be a buffer against heart attacks.  ……





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