
出版时间:2011-4  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:王玉环,李金珊 编著  


Intercultural Communication introduces the
major principles of interculturalcommunication and demonstrates
these principles in action by exploringdifferences in perception,
world views, values, and verbal and nonverbalmessages. The book
also includes current examples and concrete strategiesfor improving
intercultural communication. The book is divided into


Chapter One Introduction to Intercultural
Communication 1
1. The Chronological Development of Intercultural Communication /
(1) The Contemporary Intercultural Communication in the
U.S.A. / 2
(2) Intercultural Communication in China / 4
2. The Nature of Intercultural Communication / 5
3. Factors of the Development of Intercultural Communication /
(1) Technological Development/6
(2) Globalization of the Economy / 7
(3) Widespread Population Migration / 8
4. Why Study Intercultural Communication / 9
Chapter Two Culture and Cultural Patterns 21
1. The Nature of Culture / 21
2. Characteristics of Culture / 22
3. Whole Culture and Subculture / 24
4. The Nature of Cultural Patterns / 25
5. Components of Cultural Patterns / 26
(1) Beliefs / 26
(2) Values / 26
(3) Norms / 27
(4) Social Practices / 27
6. An Overview of Five Cultural Orientations / 28
(l) Activity Orientation / 29
(2) Social Relations Orientation / 31
(3) Self-Orientation / 32
(4) World Orientation / 33
(5) Time orientation / 36



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