中华文化精粹Introduction to Chinese Culture

出版时间:2011-3  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:Chung Mou Si,Yun Cheng Si 编著  页数:203  


Professor CM Si and his team have compiled
this illustratedvolume of 56 succinct essays grouped within 8
chapters, to cover the core myths, festivals, historical sights,
food and sports, arts and crafts, language and literature,
philosophy and international connections. These iconic stories,
localities and cultural practices stretch back thousands of years
and have emerged from amidst myriad other possible competitors as
the foundational cultural grammar of twenty-first century
This book will be invaluable to all students of
Chinese culture but also to the educated observer of world cultures
and travelers to China. In understanding the foundational
principles underlying Chinese culture, readers will be able to make
far better sense of the uniqueness of the modern China that they
see before them.
Professor Louise Edwards


Chapter 1 Myths and Legends
 1. How the World Was Created
 2. The Dog from the Sky
 3. Shooting down the Sun
 4. The Old Man under the Moon
 5. Zhaojun the Peace Ambassador
 6. The Brotherhood of Liu-Guan-Zhang
 7. Joining the Army for Her Father -- Mulan
 8. The Butterfly Lovers
 9. The White Lady
Chapter 2 Festivals and Folldore
 1. The Spring and Yuanxiao Festivals
 2. The Qingming and Hanshi Festivals
 3. The Dragon Boat Festival
 4. The Qixi Festival
 5. The Mid-Autumn Festival
 6. The 24 Solar Terms and the Chinese Calendar
 7. The I.nteresting Story of the 12 Zodiac Animals
 8. Yin-Yang and the Five Elements
Chapter 3 Scenic Spots and Historic Sites
 1. The Yellow River
 2. The Yangtze River
 3. The East and West Mountains
 4. The Yellow Mountain
 5. The West Lake and Tai Hu
 6. The Great Wall
 7. The Forbidden City
 8. The Ming Tombs
 9. The Capital of the Ten Dynasties -- Xi'an
 10. The Qin Terracotta Warriors
Chapter 4 Food and Sports
 1. The Wide Variety of Chinese Cuisine
 2. Table Manners and Dining in China
 3. Wine Culture
 4. Tea Culture
 5. Martial Arts and Sports
Chapter 5 Arts and Crafts
 1. Chinese Pottery and Porcelain
 2. Precious Stones of China
 3. Needlework and Paper-cuts
 4. The Four Treasures of a Study
 5. Chinese Paintings
 6. Architectural Beauty
Chapter 6 Language and Literature
 1. National Language and Local Dialects
 2. Fascinating Chinese Characters
 3. The Three Great Poets -- Li, Du and Su
 4. Romance of the Three Kingdoms and All Men Are Brothers
?5. Journey to the West and Dream of the Red Chamber
Chapter 7 Thought and Enlightenment
Chapter 8 China and the World



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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   不仅是一本介绍中国文化简单常识的通俗读物,也是一本中国文化的小百科,更是一本文化手册,也是一本能显示中国文化内在精神和中国人的活生生的心灵世界、文化性格、生活态度、审美情趣的文化读物。作者通过这本著作不仅能为国内外读者提供一种对中国文化的生动的、通俗的介绍,而且能为国内外读者提供一种对中国文化的新鲜的、通俗的、有趣的、有深度的认识。 本书抓住中国文化中一些最有特色的内容和亮点(如四大发明、建筑、绘画、饮食、节日),用典型的事例和材料进行具体和深入的介绍,在介绍知识的同时,力求讲出中国文化的精神,讲出中国文化的内在意味,讲出中国文化的核心价值。 彩色印刷精美,板式设计养眼。就是价格偏高。
  •   买此书主要是为了了解中国文化中的传说神话风俗节日如何用英语描述。此书通俗易懂,用语准确,应该说对中国人说英语和外国人了解中国文化很有帮助。
  •   非常不错,是正版,内容很好,很吸引人。
  •   内容很好 但价格有点贵 感觉不值
  •   在王府井看到的,直接在当当下单了。
  •   可以帮助中国人更好的了解怎么介绍中国的文化,同时作为礼物送给国外的朋友们,让他们对中国有更多的了解。

  •   内容还没看,大致翻了一下,书比我想像的要好,纸质较舒服,里面配图也较清晰!以前在线浏览了一部分,一直犹豫要不要买,买了之后发现没有后悔
  •   有点像那些童子的教科书,所以不大喜欢。

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