
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:柯林  页数:692  字数:350000  




part 1: backgrounds
chapter 1: getting started: writing and your career
writing—an essential job skill
writing for the global marketplace
four keys to effective writing
characteristics otrjob-related writing
ethical writing in the workplace
successful employees are successful writers
chapter 2: the writing process at work
what writing is and is not
the writing process
chapter 3: collaborative writing and meetings at work
teamwork is crucial to business success
advantages of collaborative writing
collaborative writing and the writing process
guidelines for setting up a successful writing group
ten proven ways to be a valuable team player
sources of conflict in collaborative groups and how to solve
models for collaboration
case study: evolution ora collaboratively written
computer-supported collaboration
PART 2:Correspondence
chapter 4: writing routine business correspondence:memos,
faxes, e-mails, ims, and blogs
whatmemos, faxes, e-mails, ims, and blog posts have in
instant messages (ims) for business use
chapter 5: writing letters: some basics for audiences
letters in the age of the internet
letter formats
parts of a letter
the appearance of ryour letter
organizing a standard business letter
making a good impression on your reader
international business correspondence
chapter 6: types of' business letters
PART 3:Gathering and Summarizing information
PART 4: Preparing Documents and Visuals


   Focus Groups   Focus groups are typically made up of loyal or prospective customers who have been invited to give a company their reactions and opinions about a specific product, service, or future project. These groups are used to obtain a wider variety of opinions than individual interviews may give and they are more personal and inter- active than surveys. Many companies include a moderator to help direct the group's commentary. Businesses rely heavily on focus groups to get honest, well-considered feedback from interested individuals and to incorporate that feedback into their research. Focus groups are usually face-to-face meetings with customers who are within traveling distance of the focus group location, but virtual meeting technologies can allow for online focus groups that bring in the views of people outside of the area, even globally. As you can see in Figure 8.1, B&L Stores uses a variety of focus groups, including those that involve consultants and individuals selected from competitors' lists.Follow the guidelines below to conduct a successful focus group:   1. Set Up the Focus Group   Determine the location, time, length, topic, and agenda of the focus group prior to contacting potential participants.Identify who should be invited to the focus group and how many individuals should make up that group. Effective focus groups usually consist of six to twelve participants in order to get a diversity of opinions but to keep the group from being too crowded and unmanageable. Consult with your supervisor, the company's sales and marketing departments, and customer lists to locate the most helpful participants or consultants.    ……





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  •   可能是看不到实物内容的原因,里面的知识有点深奥,学起来费劲啊。。非商家原因

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