
出版时间:2010-10  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:娄瑞娟,訾缨 主编  页数:245  


  本书是为适应英语课程改革的需要编写的大学英语写作选修课教材,反映了十多年来教学改革的成果。书面表达是英语听、说、读、写四项语言技能中最具挑战性的输出型语言技能,写作水平的高低能有效地检测学生语言的综合能力,因此所有的语言考试都把写作作为一项重要指标。全书围绕各类英语写作考试题型,通过课堂讲授和课内外练习,帮助学生切实提高英语写作水平和考试能力。  本书与多数应试类教材不同的是其编写理念。目前国内的英语写作教材大体上可以分为两类。一类是结构-成品法教材,即从单词、句子、段落到篇章的写作介绍,到应用文以及学术论文的写作。另外一类是体裁-成品法教材,以不同体裁的成品分专题组织介绍写作知识和规范。


本书围绕各类英语写作考试题型,通过课堂讲授和课内外练习,帮助学生切实提高英语写作水平和考试能力。全书分为八章,每章由三个话题相关的单元构成。各章有鲜明的主题,选题与各类写作测试的编写原则吻合,均为大学生活流行话题。每个单元围绕话题设计的任务嵌入写作知识、策略介绍和训练,做到“learning throuGh doing”。本书的使用对象主要是高校大学生。针对学生的学习需求,把学生可能遇到的所有英文写作形式和要求都涵盖训练之中,还提供了许多实用的英语句型和表达方式。 本教材由具有多年教学和研究经验的教师编写,是北京市2008年“北京(地区)大学英语教学改革”项目的研究成果之一。


Chapter 1 Academic Life Unit 1 A Good Education Unit 2 Curriculum Learning Unit 3 Further StudiesChapter 2 Social Life Unit 4 After-class Activities Unit 5 Communication with Friends Unit 6 Volunteer WorkChapter 3 Recreational Life Unit 7 Music and Films Unit 8 Traveling Unit 9 HolidayChapter 4 Family Life Unit 10 Parental Love Unit 11 Campus Love Unit 12 Marriage and LoveChapter 5 Commercial Life Unit 13 Advertisements Unit 14 Consumer Behavior Unit 15 Earning a LifeChapter 6 Way of Life Unit 16 Fashions Unit 17 Where to live Unit 18 LifestyleChapter 7 Life Philosophy Unit 19 Success and Failure Unit 20 Risks and Challenges Unit 21 Money and HappinessChapter 8 Green Life Unit 22 Man and Nature Unit 23 Energy Shortages Unit 24 Environmental Protection


  Remember the difference between dialogue and debate. Debate has a role in our academicand political lives, but it is not the only framework for discussion. Here are some differencesbetween debate and dialogue. In debate, we emphasize differences in a win/lose fashion; increase separation, and distinguish agendas. Debate tends to be driven by individual interest and advocacy and exploits weaknesses. Dialogue seeks to identify underlying meaning and principles, builds ommunity, and embraces differences while highlighting commonalities. Consider the importance of organized discussions. To address the many issues that arise during these challenging times. Such discussions offer a structured time for people to talk, especially if theyre talking in the hallways anyway. If there is already conflict, or high risk for conflict, the meetings may not make things better, but they will rarely make things worse. Have ground rules, and enforce them. Go over ground rules at the beginning of the meeting. Get verbal or non-verbal agreement from everyone (such as, people nodding "yes" ).




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