
出版时间:2010-4  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:伍巧芳 编  页数:115  


  《商务英语听说教程》是一本为高等学校全日制本专科生编写的商务英语教材,也可以作为高等学校夜大、函大的听说教材。本书为上海市教委专项学科建设项目之一“法商外语教学论”中的一个子项目。  本书共12单元,每单元都涉及一个商务活动主题,其中的听力练习和口语活动均围绕该主题进行。本教材的特色主要表现在以下几个方面:  ·本教材将真实的商务活动与英语教学充分融为一体。  ·将角色扮演和案例学习等体验式学习引入课堂。  ·教学设计严谨,为体验式学习打好基础。


Unit 1 Corporate Culture  Part A Getting Started  Part B Listening Tasks   Listening 1: About Management Worldwide Ltd.   Listening 2: About IKEA   Listening 3: About IKEA (continued)   Listening 4: Briefing on Some Companies' Corporate Culture  Part C Video Clip  Part D Home Listening: The NEW GE Corporate Culture Unit 2 Interview  Part A Getting Started  Part B Listening Tasks   Listening 1: Dialogue 1   Listening 2: Dialogue 2   Listening 3: Passage-Making a Good Impression  Part C Video Clip  Part D Home Listening: Getting an Interview Unit 3 Job and Career  Part A Getting Started  Part B Listening Tasks   Listening 1: Why They Like Their Jobs   Listening 2: How They View Their Jobs  Part C Video Clip  Part D Home Listening: What I Like About My Job Unit 4 Entrepreneurs  Part A Getting Started  Part B Listening Tasks   Listening 1: What Do You Need to Be an Entrepreneur?   Listening 2: Emerging Market Pioneer--Jack Ma  Part C Video Clip  Part D Home Listening: A Radio Interview Unit 5 Making Arrangements  Part A Getting Started  Part B Listening Tasks   Listening 1: Arranging a Conference   Listening 2: Confirming Conference Arrangements   Listening 3: Arranging for a Business Trip  Part C Video Clip  Part D Home Listening: Asad's Schedule Unit 6 Business Traveling  Part A Getting Started  Part B Listening Tasks   Listening 1: Security Check; Major Responsibility of a Secretary   Listening 2: Checking in to a Hotel   Listening 3: Attending a Trade Show  Part C Video Clip  Part D Home Listening: Welcoming Visitors Unit 7 Business Visit and Entertainment  Part A Getting Started  Part B Listening Tasks   Listening 1: Booking Tickets   Listening 2: Arranging a Visit   Listening 3: First Visit  Part C Video Clip  Part D Home Listening: Business Meals and Dining Out Unit 8 Business Meetings  Part A Getting Started  Part B Listening Tasks   Listening 1: A Meeting on Cutting the Budget   Listening 2: Arrangement of a Sales Conference   Listening 3: A Conference on Carrying out a New Plan  Part C Video Clip  Part D Home Listening: A Meeting on Solving Problems Unit 9 Presentation  Part A Getting Started  Part B Listening Tasks   Listening 1: Product Presentation   Listening 2: First Day at JPC  Part C Video Clip  Part D Home Listening: Business Knowledge Unit 10 Business Negotiations  Part A Getting Started  Part B Listening Tasks   Listening 1: Negotiation: Getting Started   Listening 2: Negotiation: Bargaining   Listening 3: Negotiation: Closing the Deal  Part C Video Clip: "I Quit" Position in Negotiations  Part D Home Listening: An Interview: Negotiation Strategy Unit 11 Advertising and Marketing  Part A Getting Started  Part B Listening Tasks   Listening 1: Analyzing Techniques of Advertising   Listening 2: How McDonald's Revolutionized Marketing 30 Years Ago  Part C Video Clip  Part D Home Listening: Reebok Launches Ad Campaign Unit 12 Solving Problems  Part A Getting Started  Part B Listening Tasks   Listening 1: Delivery Problem   Listening 2: Settling Claims   Listening 3: Negotiation Tips  Part C Video Clip  Part D Home Listening: Interview with an Negotiation Expert References


  A credit crunch (also known as a credit squeeze, finance crunch or credit crisis)is a reduction in the general availability of loans (or credit) or a sudden tightening of theconditions required to obtain a loan from the banks. A credit crunch generally involves areduction in the availability of credit independent of a rise in official interest rates. Manytimes, a credit crunch is accompanied by a flight to quality by lenders and investors, asthey seek less risky investments (often at the expense of small to medium size enterprises). A credit crunch is often caused by a sustained period of careless and inappropriatelending which results in losses for lending institutions and investors in debt when the loansturn sour and the full extent of bad debts becomes known. These institutions may thenreduce the availability of credit, and increase the cost of accessing credit by raising interestrates. In some cases lenders may be unable to lend further, even if they wish, as a result ofearlier losses. The crunch is generally caused by a reduction in the market prices of previously"overinflated" assets and refers to the financial crisis that results from the price collapse.This can result in widespread bankruptcy for those investors and entrepeneurs who came inlate to the market, as the prices of previously inflated assets generally drop sharply.



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