出版时间:2009-10 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:肖曼君 页数:256
随着经济、金融全球化和一体化的趋势不断深化,以及我国改革开放的不断深入,我国各行各业与国际接轨的步伐逐步加快,我国迫切需要既精通专业知识又精通外语的高素质人才。为了适应这种需要,教育部从2001年起便大力推动国内双语教学。金融专业便是教育部要求率先实行双语教学的六大专业之一,这是由金融学科本身的国际化特点决定的。而国际金融函电则是金融专业中一个重要的工具性课程。本课程的教学理念是:突破专业学习的英语语言瓶颈,培养学生的金融全球化视野,跟踪全球金融业务的发展,弥补单纯专业外语教育的低效与不足,提高国际竞争力,培养新世纪高素质的金融实践人才。 但从国内经济、金融专业双语教材的建设来看,传统的教材工具由于采用中文编写,内容和体例也具有较大的局限性,已经不能适应当前高校教育的教学国际化实践的需要,因此目前国内双语教学的教材大多是选用引进版英文教材。但鉴于《国际金融函电》课程是一门操作性较强的实务课程,国际市场上没有合适的英文原版教材,因此为了满足国内的双语教学需要,我们编著了这本《国际金融函电》双语教材。 作为教育部首批100门双语教学示范课程《国际金融》方向的系列双语课程建设的教材之一,以及《金融学》国家教学团队课程建设的教材之一,本教材在内容及形式均有创新之处。
《国际金融函电》是国际金融业务中必不可少的工具书,介绍了金融英语信函和电传、电报及SWIFT等的撰写(包括其结构、格式、写作技巧和草拟时应注意的事项等),大量引用了银行各类英文书信和电文的实例,使读者熟悉和掌握各类金融英语函电的语言特征、体裁和风格。其中主要有代理关系的建立、认证函(印鉴与密押等)、资信调查、会计业务、国际信贷业务、国际结算业务、查询业务、担保业务等方面的函件和电文,还有银行间其他各种事务性往来信函等。同时还介绍了各种信函的写作指南、语言特色和用法。 全书由10单元构成,每单元按照不同业务内容和信函进行编排,包括学习要点、业务简介、信函实例、常用句型和注释(实例和词语)及自测练习等六部分。本书融英语知识和金融业务知识为一体,内容新颖;注重专业基础和语言运用,具有很强的专业性、可操作性和实用性;是各高校金融学专业学生首选的双语教材,对从事国际金融业务的工作人员、参加全国金融英语证书考试的考生有很高的实用价值。
Unit One Features in Language and Ways in Banking English Letters’Writings 第1单元银行英语书信的语言特点和写作方法Unit Two Layout and Structure of a Banking Letter 第2单元银行英语书信的结构和格式Unit Three Agency Relationship 第3单元代理关系Unit Four Credit Inquiry 第4单元资信调查Unit Five Accounting Business 第5单元财会业务Unit Six Inquiry on Banking Business 第6单元银行业务查询Unit Seven Settlement related to International Trade 第7单元 国际贸易结算业务Unit Eight Settlement related tO Non-trade Transactions 第8单元非国际贸易结算业务Unit Nine Other Items 第9单元其他事务信函Unit Ten Telegram,Telex and SWIFT 第10单元 电报、电传和全球电讯金融业务Appendix Ⅰ Opening Sentences and Closing Sentences Commonly used in Banking Letters 附录Ⅰ 英文金融书信常用开始语和结束语AppendixⅡ Commonly used Abbreviations in Banking Correspondence 附录Ⅱ 金融函电常用缩略词表AppendixⅢ Keys to Exercises 附录Ⅲ 练习参考答案
Ⅰ. Introduction (概述) As the integrity of the world economy and Chinas entry into WTO, we have made great development in international trade, international finance business such as international settlement, international credit, foreign exchange dealings etc. As a communication tool, banking communication plays an important role in all these business. Generally speaking, the function of a banking letter is to get or convey banking information, to deal with varieties of international banking transactions and business. Ⅱ. Quality to the writer (作者应具备的素质) Practical English writing does not call for flowery language because it isnt literary words, but it is required to express your own views accurately in a plain language that is very clear and readily understood, and to catch the readers attention and persuade the readers into believing what you said. If practical writing is to achieve its purpose, the writer should have some qualities as follows: 1. A good command of standard modern English. 2. All kinds of social knowledge. 3. Knowledge of technical terms. 4. Knowledge of social psychology. 5. Knowledge of various professions, such as secretary, management, banking theory and practice, etc. Ⅲ. Preparation before writing (写作前的准备工作) As a writer, you should make preparations for your creative works before taking up the pen. Generally speaking, the following should draw some attention: 1. Studying your readers interest, that is, thinking of what your reader thinks. To achieve this, you should "put yourself in your readers place" and try to imagine how he will feel about what you write.