
出版时间:2009-11  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:吴军其,严莉 主编  页数:286  


  教育技术学的飞速发展正在影响着教育的各个领域,并成为教育深化改革的突破口和制高点,它与素质教育、教育信息化、教育创新、创新人才培养、促进终身学习体系的建立等重大问题紧密相关,因此,从业人员必须通过不断学习专业英语,来迅速掌握教育技术学的新理论知识与新技术。为进一步提高教育技术学本科生和研究生的专业英语能力,促进人才的高层次培养,我们撰写了这本教材。选材的原则如下:  (1)语言的规范性与纯正性。本书中的课文选自国外的经典文献,包括国际权威网站和经典论文。  (2)专业知识的广泛性与先进性。选材综合选取了信息与传播技术、教学系统设计、开发学习资源、在线学习、远程教育、教学评价等内容,使读者在学习科技英语的同时也了解教育技术学的最新发展动态。  (3)专业知识的全面性。本书不仅重点强调了科技文献的“读”,也对“写”与口头表达作了尝试,同时还系统地阐述了科技论文的写作、投稿与应用文写作。  (4)专业知识的扩展性。教育技术学是一门知识更新极快的专业,因此学生必须了解本专业的最权威期刊,掌握科技文献的查阅方法。  此外,本书还针对同类型教材的不足,结合作者多年来的实际工作经验与学术交流的体会,补充了Internet上常用的教育技术文献资源。  学生学习本书后,能熟悉和掌握大量教育技术学专业英语的常用词汇和术语,提高阅读和理解原始的专业英语文献的能力,了解本专业里的一些新的理论知识与技术,从而增强国际交流能力。  由于经验不足,加之作者水平有限,书中的疏漏之处在所难免,敬请读者批评指正,以便进一步改进和充实我们的工作。


本书的主要目的是使学生掌握教育技术学专业英语术语及用法,培养和提高学生阅读和翻译专业英语文献资料以及用英语进行学术交流的能力。全书包括专业英语基础篇与应用篇两部分,其中基础篇由20个单元组成,涵盖教育技术领域的主要分支和实践领域,主要内容包括:教育技术学、教育技术学的历史和理论基础、传播理论、系统理论、信息与传播技术、教学系统设计、开发学习资源、远程教育、教学评价等内容,都是精选国外的经典文献。每个单元由知识目标、专业词汇、2~4篇课文、新单词、课文注释、其中一篇课文的参考翻译及练习这七个部分组成。同时为了方便教学,应用篇系统地介绍了科技论文的结构、写作与投稿等问题,归纳了中国学生撰写英文科技论文中常见的错误,最后总结了常用应用文写作的要求与规范,并给出了一些实际的范例。    本书可作为教育技术学专业本科生和研究生的专业英语、文献研究、双语课程的教材,也可供从事相关专业的人员参考使用。


Part 1 The Outline of Educational Technology  Unit 1 The Basic Concepts of Educational Technology      Text A What is Educational Technology?    Text B Perspectives and Meaning of Educational Technology    Text C Research Methods of Educational Technology      专业英语简介  Unit 2 The History of Educational Technology    Text A History of Educational Technology    Text B  A Critical Period of Educational Technology:1950-1970     Text C Current Status of Educational Technology      专业英语的词汇特征  Unit 3 The Practice and Future of Education Technology    Text A Four Perspectives on Educational Technology    Text B The Professionalization of the Field    Text C Future Trends in Educational Technology      Text D  Your Future in the Field    专业英语常见的语法现象Part 2 The Theoretical Foundation of Educational Technology  Unit 4 Learning Theories    Text A The Importance of Learning Theory to Education Technology    Text B The Behaviorist Orientation to Learning    Text C Cognitivism and Gagne’S Model of Learning      Text D Constructivism    专业英语翻译的标准  Unit 5  Communication Theories    Text A Defining Communication    Text B  Communication System    Text C Communication Theory    Text D Two Typical Models of Communication Theory      从句的翻译(I)  Unit 6  InstructiOnaI Theories      Text A A Brief Introduction to Instructional Theory      Text B Taxonomy of Educational Objectives      Text C Gagne’S Theory of Instruction    Text D Elaboration Theory    从句的翻译(II)  Unit 7 Systems Theory    Text A The Systems View      Text B What is Systems Theory    Text C The Functions of Systems Theory    Text D General Systems Theory    被动句的翻译Part 3 Media,Technology and Learning  Unit 8 Brief Introduction to Several Media and Technologies    Text A Muhimedia      Text B Hypermedia    Text C  Interactive Media    Text D Visual Reality    Text E Expea Systems    长句的翻译  Unit 9 Information Technology and Education    Text A The Information Age    Text B  ICTs and Globalization    Text C Information Technology and Education      Text D Basic IT Skills and Personal Qualifications    英汉语序的对比与翻译  Unit 10 The Development Trends of Media and Technologies    Text A Continuing Use of Traditional Media    Text B Advancing Telecommunications and Interactive Technologies    Text C Predictions of Technology Trends    Text D  Electronic Learning      文献检索简介Part 4 Instructional Systems Design  Unit 11 Instructional Systems and Instructional Systems Design    Text A Instructional Systems    Text B Instructional Design      文献检索方法简介  Unit 12  Instructional Systems Design Models    Text A  Instructional System Design(ISD):Using the ADDLE Model    Text B The ASSURE Model    Text C Dick and Carey Model      Text D  Rapid Prototyping    Internet上常用的教育技术文献资源  Unit 13 Automating Instructional Design    Text A Automating Instructional Design    Text B Four Types of Automated Instructional Design Tools    Text C  Current Trends in Automated Tools      教育技术期刊——Your Guide to Educational Technology    Journals on the Web(I)Part 5 Developing Learning Resources  Unit 14 Audio      Text A  Audio Formats      Text B Produce MateriaLs on Cassette Tapes‘    Text C Using Audio Files in Multimedia    教育技术期刊——Y0ur Guide to Educational Technology    Journals on the Web(Ⅱ)  Unit 15 Video      Text A  Video Formats    Text B Selecting Video_    Text C Producing Video    科技论文的结构与写作初步(I)  Unit 16 Developing Online Courses    Text A Creating a Web Page    科技论文的结构与写作初步(Ⅱ)Part 6  Network Education  Unit 17 Distance Education      Text A Distance Education:An Overview    Text B Distance Education,Face to Face Teaching and Technology      Text C Distance Learning Technologies    Text D  Summary and Recommendations for the Future of Distance Education    投稿指南(I)  Unit 18 Online Learning    Text A  A Brief Introduction of Online Learning      Text B Educational Benefits of Online Learning      Text C Evaluating Online Learning      投稿指南(Ⅱ)Part 7 The Evaluation of Educational Technology  Unit 19 The Evaluation of Learning Source and Learning Process    Text A The History and Context of Evaluation    Text B Three Basic Methods of Learning Evaluation    Text C  Evaluation for Distance Education    应用文写作之一——信函  Unit 20  Educational Evaluation    Text A  Educational Evaluation      Text B  Evaluating Webbased LearningA Clustered Study of    Two Online Projects      Text C  Computer—assisted Assessment(CAA)    应用文写作之二——简历和求职信


  The study of systems can follow two general approaches. A cross-sectional approach dealswith the interaction between two systems, while a developmental approach deals with the chan-ges in a system over time. There are three general approaches for evaluating subsystems. A ho-list approach is to examine the system as a complete functioning unit. A reductionist approachlooks downward and examines the subsystems within the system. The functionalist approachlooks upward from the system to examine the role it plays in the larger system. All three app-roaches recognize the existence of subsystems operating within a larger system.  Kuhns model stresses that the role of decision is to move a system towards equilibrium.Communication and transaction provide the vehicle for a system to achieve equilibrium. "Cul-ture is communicated, learned patterns.., and society is a collectively of people having a com-mon body and process of culture. " Kuhns terminology is interlocking and mutually consistent.The following summarizes his basic system definitions:  A system variable is any element in an acting system that can take on at least two differentstates. Some system variables are dichotomous, and can be one of two values——the rat lives, orthe rat dies. System variables can also be continuous. The condition of a variable in a system isknown as the system state. The boundaries of a system are defined by the set of its interactingcomponents. Kuhn recognizes that it is the investigator, not nature, that bounds the particularsystem being investigated.  A controlled (cybernetic) system maintains at least one system variable within some spe-cified range, or if the variable goes outside the range, the system moves to bring the variableback into the range. This control is internal to the system. The field of cybernetics is the disci-pline of maintaining order in systems.  A systems input is defined as the movement of information or matter-energy from the envi-ronment into the system. Output is the movement of information or matter-energy from the sys-tem to the environment. Both input and output involve crossing the boundaries that define thesystem. When all forces in a system are balanced to the point where no change is occurring,the system is said to be in a state of static equilibrium. Dynamic (steady state) equilibriumexists when the system components are in a state of change, but at least one variable stays with-in a specified range. Homeostasis is the condition of dynamic equilibrium between at least twosystem variables. Kuhn states that all systems tend toward equilibrium, and that a prerequisitefor the continuance of a system is its ability to maintain a steady state or steadily oscillatingstate.



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