
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:周红红,贾鹰,王忠智 主编  页数:380  


  随着当前大、中、小学英语教学改革一条龙的逐步实现以及非英语专业研究生人校时水平的日益提高,其教学目标已由General English逐渐向Practical English方向过渡,即更加注重英语教学的实用性和技能性培养。为了顺应这一变化,同时也为了与大学英语教学改革顺利接轨,特别编写了《研究生实用英语教程》(Contemporary Practical English Coursefor Non-English Maior Graduate Students)。该教程是以国家教育部审定批准的非英语专业研究生英语教学大纲为依据,结合当前大学英语教学改革现状与非英语专业研究生的特殊需求以及社会对非英语专业研究生的实际需要编写而成。  《研究生实用英语教程》共由两个分册构成。上册的教学内容侧重学业与职业技能培养,下册的教学内容侧重生活和社交方面技能培养。教材使用者可以根据自己的实际需要选择使用。  本教程的设计吸收了我国长期研究生英语教学和教材编写中积累的丰富经验,同时还采纳了国外的先进教学理论和方法,在继承中有所创新和突破。


本书注重知识性、实用性、技能性并举,有助于读者培养自己的语言应用能力、创新性思维能力与思辨能力。《研究生实用英语教程》共由两个分册构成。上册的教学内容侧重学业与职业技能培养,下册的教学内容侧重生活和社交方面技能培养。教材使用者可以根据自己的实际需要选择使用。     本册为下册。


Unit One Cultural Difference  Part 1 General Information about Culture  Part 2 Listening and Practice  Part 3 Text  Part 4 Further Reading Practice  Part 5 Writing Skills and Practice  Part 6 English Seminar  Part 7 Additional Words and ExpressionsUnit Two Interpersonal Communication  Part 1 General Information about Interpersonal Communication  Part 2 Listening and Practice  Part 3 Text  Part 4 Further Reading Practice  Part 5 Writing Skills and Practice  Part 6 English Seminar  Part 7 Additional Words and ExpressionsUnit Three Choose the Right Career  Part 1 General Information about Careers  Part 2 Listening and Practice  Part 3 Text  Part 4 Further Reading Practice  Part 5 Writing Skills and Practice  Part 6 English Seminar  Part 7 Additional Words and ExpressionsUnit Four Manage Your Fortune  Part 1 General Information about the History of Money  Part 2 Listening and Practice  Part 3 Text  Part 4 Further Reading Practice  Part 5 Writing Skills and Practice  Part 6 English Seminar  Part 7 Additional Words and ExpressionsUnit Five Choose Your Partner  Part 1 General Information about Choosing Your Partner  Part 2 Listening and Practice  Part 3 Text  Part 4 Further Reading Practice  Part 5 Writing Skills and Practice  Part 6 English Seminar  Part 7 Additional Words and ExpressionsUnit Six What Is Interlligence?  Part 1 General Information about Intelligence  Part 2 Listening and Practice  Part 3 Text  Part 4 Further Reading Practice  Part 5 Writing Skills and Practice  Part 6 English Seminar  Part 7 Additional Words and ExpressionsUnit Seven How to Succeed  Part 1 General Information about Success  Part 2 Listening and Practice  Part 3 Text  Part 4 Further Reading Practice  Part 5 Writing Skills and Practice  Part 6 English Seminar  Part 7 Additional Words and ExpressionsUnit Eight Criteria for Happiness  Part 1 General Information about Happiness  Part 2 Listening and Practice  Part 3 Text  Part 4 Further Reading Practice  Part 5 Writing Skills and Practice  Part 6 English Seminar  Part 7 Additional Words and Expressions


  Marriage is a lifetime commitment. This commitment can have a tremendousnumber of advantages: stability, financial strength and unity, infinite trust, etc.However, it can have a paralyzing disadvantage if one or both parties decide toabuse the commitment. Imagine a person who is told, "We are giving you yourjob for life. You can never be fired." Most people will continue to do a good job,but a few people would take that message as a cue to become extremely lazy.Marriage can cause the same effect. Both partners have to work hard to avoidcomplacency.  Marriage means that everything is shared. Sharing means that every majordecision involves a team decision. If both parties do not agree, then conflictarises. Most people enjoy having a certain amount of freedom in their lives.Marriage instead forces a great deal of compromise. If two people have differentspending habits (i. e., one likes saving money and the other likes spending it), itcan cause immense strain.  Marriage involves being with the same person for long periods of time. While thecouple is still "in love," this is easy. Once romantic love effects wear off and therelationship is driven more by friendship than sexual attraction, however, littlehabits can become irritating. Imagine living in an RV with your best friend for 10years. After a while even your best friend can become annoying. Countering thisnatural effect requires skill and creativity.



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