
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:孙曙光 编  页数:274  


  从2002年开始,国内的体育院校纷纷开设了体育英语专业,培养在体育领域从事对外交流工作的国际体育人才。经过五年多的发展,体育英语专业既显示出强大的生机和活力,又面临着诸多困难,首要的问题就是教材问题。目前,体育英语专业大多在技能类课程,特别是基础阶段课程中沿用了全国统编英语专业教材。这些教材选材精当、设计合理,对夯实学生语言基本功起到了巨大作用。但是体育英语专业有其专业的特色,因此,从2004年开始,我们就着手策划编写一套供体育英语专业学生使用的系列教材,并于2007年获得北京市高等教育精品教材立项。此系列教材包括基础阶段的《综合英语教程》、《英语听说教程》、《英语阅读教程》和高级阶段的《体育英语阅读》等,首批推出的是基础阶段的《综合英语教程》和《英语听说教程》。  经教育部批准的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》指出:英语专业学生应具有扎实的语言基本功、宽广的知识面、一定的相关专业知识、较强的能力和较高素质。基础阶段的各教程正是按照这一培养目标编写的。立足于加强学生语言基本功。在培养语言基本功的同时渗透体育元素、人文精神,以提高学生的体育知识水平和人文素养、并在设计中力图培养学生的跨文化交际能力和独立思维能力。同时,本系列教材的一个突出特点是将各门课程的同一单元统一于一个话题,学生在“综合英语”、“英语阅读”、“英语听说”课程中同步围绕一个话题进行不同的技能训练,也使得他们能从不同角度认识同一问题。  《英语听说教程》共4册,本书为第三册,内有12个单元。每单元的主题与《综合英语教程》的主题相同,但内容的取材原则体现不同的重点。本教程听说一体,学习者在接受了大量的相关话题的信息输入后,可以对此话题进行讨论。每单元计划用6个学时完成。  听力材料的选择以短小精悍、难度适中的国外原版材料为主,兼顾材料的多样性、信息性、知识性和趣味性及语言的真实性与实用性,避免枯燥,每次课都有新的内容,有效地避免了各门课程脱节。  本教程强调多种目的听说训练,以便学习者适应不同内容、不同形式的英语。整册书中编排有英语对话、访谈、故事、文章、报告、讲座以及演讲等内容。为提高学生的新闻英语听力的能力,每单元有3-5条新闻听力,并配有练习。




Unit 1  Language Part Ⅰ What Was That You Said? Part Ⅱ Do Animals Talk to Each Other the Way People Do? Part Ⅲ Understanding Language Part Ⅳ News Part Ⅴ Supplementary Listening: Why Divers Always Shower  Part Ⅵ Situational Dialogue: Making Telephone CallsUnit 2 Cultural Differences Part Ⅰ Gestures and Cultures Part Ⅱ You Can' t Talk About That! Part Ⅲ Culture Shock Part Ⅳ News Part Ⅴ Supplementary Listening: How to Detect a False Start  Part Ⅵ Situational Dialogue: At a PartyUnit 3  Economy Part Ⅰ The Commercialization of Sports Part Ⅱ The Cash-Free Society Part Ⅲ Sponsorship and Economic Impact of the Olympics Part Ⅳ News Part Ⅴ Supplementary Listening: Origin of the Sports Term Hat Trick Part Ⅵ Situational Dialogue: At the BankUnit 4 Transportation Part Ⅰ Traffic in Cities Part Ⅱ History of Transportation in the U.S.  Part Ⅲ Hybrid Cars Part Ⅳ News Part Ⅴ Supplementary Listening: Why Are Tennis Balls Fuzzy? Part Ⅵ Situational Dialogue: The WeatherUnit 5 Values and Personalities Part Ⅰ Unique Personalities and Basic Values in the Modern World Part Ⅱ Personality and Learning Styles Part Ⅲ Moral Values and Character Development in Sport Part Ⅳ News Part Ⅴ Supplementary Listening: A Guide to the Jerseys of the Tour de France Part Ⅵ Situational Dialogue: At the Barber' s/Hairdresser' sUnit 6 Emotions Part Ⅰ EQ Is More Important Than IQ Part Ⅱ Can You Learn EQ? Part Ⅲ Emotion and Deviant Behaviour Part Ⅳ News Part Ⅴ Supplementary Listening: Guiding the Runner Who Is Visually Impaired Part Ⅵ Situational Dialogue: At the Doctor' s OfficeUnit 7  Religion Part Ⅰ An Introduction to World Religions Part Ⅱ The Plight of Iraq's Religious Minorities Part Ⅲ John F. Kennedy' s Religion Speech Part Ⅳ    News Part Ⅴ Supplementary Listening: Major Differences Between Indoor and Beach Volleyball Part Ⅵ Situational Dialogue: At the Dentist's OfficeUnit 8 Advertising Part Ⅰ Advertising on the Air Part Ⅱ Types of Advertising Part Ⅲ Ads and Athletes Part Ⅳ News Part Ⅴ Supplementary Listening: Do Bulls Charge When They "See Red"? Part Ⅵ Situational Dialogue: At the PharmacyUnit 9 VolunteeringUnit 10 EnvironmentUnit 11 Novels and MoviesUnit 12 Science and TechnologyKeysTranscript


  Reverend Meza, Reverend Reck, Im grateful for your generous invitation to speak my views.  While the so-called religious issue is necessarily and properly the chief topic here tonight, I want to emphasize from the outset that I believe that we have far more critical issues in the 1960 campaign: the spread of Communist influence, until it now festers only 90 miles from the coast of Florida; the humiliating treatment of our president and vice president by those who no longer respect our power; the hungry children I saw in West Virginia; the old people who cannot pay their doctors bills; the families forced to give up their farms; an America with too many slums, with too few schools, and too late to the moon and outer space.  These are the real issues which should decide this campaign. And they are not religious issues for war and hunger and ignorance and despair know no religious barrier.  But because I am a Catholic, and no Catholic has ever been elected president, the real issues in this campaign have been obscured——perhaps deliberately, in some quarters less responsible than this.



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