
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:北京大学  作者:常俊跃//赵秀艳//赵永青  页数:220  


  《美国自然人文地理》是在内容依托教学理念指导下,依托国家哲学社会科学项目“英语专业基础阶段内容依托式教学改革研究”推出的系列英语内容依托教材之一,是大连外国语学院和辽宁省两级教学成果一等奖并被辽宁省推荐参评国家级教学成果的重要组成部分。这套系列教材的推出具有重要的理论意义和重大的现实意义。  随着我国英语教育的快速发展,英语专业长期贯彻的“以技能为导向”的课程建设理念及教学理念已经难以满足社会的需要。专家教师们密切关注的现行英语专业教育大、中、小学英语教学脱节,语言、内容教学割裂,单纯语言技能训练过多,专业内容课程不足,学科内容课程系统性差,高低年级内容课程安排失衡及其导致的学生知识面偏窄、知识结构欠缺、思辨能力偏弱、综合素质发展不充分等问题日益凸显。  针对上述问题,国家哲学社会科学项目“英语专业基础阶段内容依托式教学改革研究”以内容依托教学(CBI)理论为指导,确定了如下改革思路:  (一)更新语言教学理念,改革英语专业教学的课程结构。在不改变专业总体培养目标和教学时限的前提下,对课程结构进行革命性的变革,改变传统单一的语言技能课程模式,实现内容课程——语言课程的融合,扩展学生的知识面,提高学生的语言技能。  (二)开发课程自身替力,同步提高专业知识和语言技能。内容依托课程本身也同时关注内容和语言,把内容教学和语言教学有机结合。以英语为媒介,系统教授专业内容;以专业内容为依托,在使用语言过程中提高语言技能,扩展学生的知识面。  (三)改革教学方法手段,全面提高语言技能和综合素质。依靠内容依托教学在方法上的灵活性,通过问题驱动、输出驱动等方法调动学生主动学习,把启发式、任务式、讨论式、结对子、小组活动、课堂展示、多媒体手段等行之有效的活动与学科内容教学有机结合,提高学生的语言技能,激发学生的兴趣,培养学生的自主性和创造性,提升思辨能力和综合素质。


《美国自然人文地理》是在内容依托教学理念指导下,基于国家哲学社会科学项目“英语专业基础阶段内容依托式教学改革研究”推出的系列英语教材之一。    《美国自然人文地理》适用于英语专业一、二年级学生,也适用于具有中学英语基础的非英语专业学生和英语爱好者学习。本教材具备以下主要特色:    遵循了全新的教学理念    美国地理文化知识与自然人文知识并重,既训练语言技能,也丰富相关知识。    涉及了系统的历史内容    帮助读者了解美国诸州及重要城市,系统介绍美国自然地理和人文知识。    引进了真实的教学材料    真实、地道的语言材料,穿插图表、照片等真实的视觉材料,表现手段活泼,效果生动直观。    设计了新颖的教材板块    每一单元均包括课前热身、课文正文、课后练习、辅助阅读、专有名词列表、娱乐园地等。结构安排系统合理,突出学生的主体地位。    提供了多样的训练活动        培养学生综合运用语言和知识进行沟通的能力、逻辑思维能力和探索求知的能力。        推荐了经典的学习材料        在每个章节的最后部分向学生推荐经典的书目、影视作品、名诗欣赏以及英文歌曲等学习资料,延伸课堂教学,激发学生的学习热情。


Unit 1  Panoramic View of the USA Text A  General Characteristics of the USA Text B  Major Regions of the USA Text C  The Face of the Land Text D  The RiversUnit 2  View of the Northeast Text A  The "Melting Pot" Text B  New England Text C  Mid-AtlanticUnit 3  Landform of the Northeast Text A  Lakes, Rivers, Falls and Mountains Text B  The Coastal Plains Test C  Cape Cod Text D  More about Cape CodUnit 4  Coastal Cities in the Northeast Text A  Development of the Coastal Citrus Text B  Boston Text C  PhiladelphiaUnit 5  Imporlanl Centers of the USA in the Northeast Text A  The Capital City Text B  The Nation's Most Cosmopolitan City Text C  Economy of Washington, D.C.  Text D  BroadwayUnit 6  Land of Changes in the Southeast Text A  The Southeast and Its Problems Text B  Economy of the Southeast Text C  Population of the Southeast Text D  The Top in the SoutheastUnit 7  Touring the Sontheast Text A  The Mighty Mississippi River and the Ozarks Text B  Rolling Hills, Flat Plains and Islands Text C  The Rivers of Grass Text D  MemphisUnit 8  View of the Midwest Text A  Physical Features of the Midwest Text B  Lakes, Plains, Big Rivers, Badlands and Caves Text C  Mount Rushmore National MemorialUnit 9  More about the Midwest Text A  Settlement on the Plains Text B  The Past and Present of the Midwest Text C  Belts in the MidwestUnit 10  The Southwestern States Text A  The Four Southwestern States Text B  Santa Fe, the City Different Text C  Culture of the American SouthwestUnit 11   Landform of the Southwest Text A  Desert, Canyon, Plateau, Rivers, and Plains Text B  Drought in the Southwest Text C  Changes on the RanchUnit 12  View of the West Text A  The Rocky Mountains, Clear Rivers and Salty Lakes Text B  Hottest, Driest, and Highest Text C  Bear River Course Text D  What Is the Great Basin?Unit 13  Temples of Nature and Cities of the Pacific Text A  The Temples of Nature Text B  Cities of the Pacific Text C  Yellowstone National Park Text D  City by the Bay and the Emerald CityUnit 14  Newest StatesUnit 15  Review:Regions of the USAAppendixes


  When we see this great area today, it is hard to realize that it was wilderness onlythree centuries ago. The effect of the wilderness upon the colonists was a powerful forcein developing the United States. As soon as permanent settlements were made in the newland, subtle changes occurred in the people.Faced with the problems of a new anduncharted land, these settlers had to give up many of the traditional behavior patterns ofEurope. In order to survive, they developed a cooperative and democratic life-style thatlaid the foundations of the American political system and pragmatic philosophy.  Even today, the visitor who expects only factories, apartment houses, and crowdedstreets is surprised. In the Northeast, he sees more wooded hills than factory chimneys,more fields than concrete roads, more farmhouses than office buildings.  The features of the land over most of this region are on a small and gentle scale. It isa country of many brooks, of low mountain ridges, of rolling hills, of orchards, pasturesand vegetable gardens. In only a few places is a visitor so much as 40 kilometers distantfrom rich farms. There are areas of true wilderness such as the forests in the northern partof the State of Maine, where to this day the only way of crossing great stretches of land orwater is by foot or canoe. Everywhere, the outer reaches of cities mingle with farms, andin many towns there are old farmhouses and barns, which have been changed intodwellings, and now they are crowded close by taller buildings.  The observant visitor quickly guesses that he is in a relatively old farming region onwhich a pattern of cities and industries has grown and spread. What he cannot see is howthe look of the countryside has changed with this growth of industry. A few generationsago, the majority of these farms produced grain to be sold, and a variety of plants, meatsand poultry for the farm family itself. Today, most of the farms are developed primarilyto one type of farming: dairy cattle, or vegetables, or chickens, or fruit. Most specializein products that can be rushed fresh to the cities nearby. Thus, the nature of agriculturalproduction has changed to meet the needs of the regions industrial economy.




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用户评论 (总计16条)


  •   帮助了解美国的地理,是非常实用,有趣,全面的一本书~
  •   我们大一的泛读教材。
  •   学老美的地理
  •   这次买书很失败,没看清楚,,竟然是英语教材
  •   专业的阅读,配套专项练习
  •   很适合学习,无论内容语法还是表达都很好
  •   内容通俗易懂。版排较好。
  •   很不错,值得买!
  •   读读看看
  •   快递的大叔很给力,书也很好,和书店里的一模一样,不错!
  •   这不是全文介绍美国的人文的 更像是美国人文知识自检题
  •   英语专业的,应该懂多点
  •   有此书在手,未到美国,已经知晓美国事!秀才不出门,能知天下事--是之谓也!
  •   替同学买的,同学说很喜欢
  •   还以为是有中文的,结果全是英文的,还是填空题和阅读理解的练习,有点失望,非我所愿.
  •   这是一本学英文的教材,并非详尽的参考书.个别题材只有简略的描述,然后是一系列练习题.

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