
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:(美)齐默尔,斯卡伯勒 著  页数:728  




◎以表格等方式清晰地概括、总结了小企业管理中常用的方法和经常出现的问题,简洁而实用。  ◎本版继续强调创建商业计划对成功创业的重要性。其中,第二部分和第三部分关注于“创建商业计划”,第四部分介绍了如何“实施商业计划”。  ◎正文中的“你作为咨询顾问”专栏、本版新增的“如何亲手实践”专栏使学生能够迅速将所学知识付诸实践。附录中还提供了商业计划的样本。  ◎本书网站(http://www.prenhall.com/zimmerer/)为读者提供了丰富的相关教学辅助材料。  畅销性:本书自问世以来,深受读者欢迎,被多所学校选做相关课程的教材,销售量一直居同类书籍前列。  适用性:本书适合用做MBA的“小企业管理”、  “企业家精神”、  “创业管理”及其他相关课程的教材。也适合一切希望自己创业或了解小企业管理的人士。


Thomas W.Zimmerer 美国St.Leo大学商学院院长
  Norman M.Scarborough 美国Presbyterian学院经济与商务管理系信息科学William Henry Scott IIl副教授。


SECTION I  The Challenge of Entrepreneurship Chapter I  The Foundations of Entrepreneurship Chapter 2  Inside the Entrepreneurial Mind: From Ideas to Reality SECTION II  Building the Business Plan: Beginning Considerations Chapter 3  Designing a Competitive Business Model and Building a Solid Strategic Plan Chapter 4  Conducting a Feasibility Analysis and Crafting a Winning Business Plan Chapter 5  Forms of Business Ownership Chapter 6  Franchising and the Entrepreneur Chapter 7  Buying an Existing BusinessSECTION III Building the Business Plan: Marketing and Financial Considerations Chapter 8  Building a Powerful Marketing Plan Chapter 9  E-Commerce and the Entrepreneur Chapter 10  Pricing Strategies Chapter 11  Creating a Successful Financial Plan Chapter 12  Managing Cash FlowSECTION IV Putting the Business Plan to Work: Sources of Funds Chapter 13  Sources of Financing: Debt and Equity Chapter 14  Choosing the Right Location and Layout Chapter 15  Global Aspects of En~repreneurship Chapter 16  Building a New Venture Team and Planning for the Next Generation


插图:Technological advances. With the help of modem business machines such as personal computers, laptop computers, fax machines, copiers, color printers, answering machines, and voice mail, even one person working at home can look like a big business. At one time, the high cost of such technological wizardry made it impossible for small businesses to compete with larger companies that could afford the hardware. Today, however, powerful computers and communication equipment are priced within the budgets of even the smallest businesses. Although entrepreneurs may not be able to manufacture heavy equipment in their spare bedrooms, they can run a service or information-based company from their homes very effectively and look like any Fortune 500 company to customers and clients.Independent lifestyle. Entrepreneurship fits the way Americans want to live——-independent and self-sustaining. People want the freedom to choose where they live, the hours they work, and what they do. Although financial security remains an important goal for most entrepreneurs, many place top priority on lifestyle issues such as more time with family and friends, more leisure time, and more control over work-related stress. e-Commerce and the World Wide Web. The proliferation of the World Wide Web, the vast network that links computers around the globe via the Internet and opens up oceans of information to its users, has spawned thousands of entrepreneurial ventures since its beginning in 1993. Online commerce is growing rapidly (see Figure 1.4), creating many opportunities for Web-savvy entrepreneurs. Travel services, computer hardware and software, books, music, videos, and consumer electronics are among the best-selling items on the Web, but entrepreneurs are learning that they can use this powerful tool to sell just about anything! Approximately 57 percent of small businesses use the Internet for business-related purposes, and 70 percent have Web sites. Those that do have Web sites reap benefits quickly. The most commonly cited benefit of launching a Web site is additional customers; in fact, after launching a site, 41 percent of small companies reported an increase in sales. Fifty-five percent- of small companies with Web sites report that their sites are either breaking even or are earning a profit.43 These "netpreneurs" are using their Web sites to connect with their existing customers and, ultimately, to attract new ones. "Small businesses that use the Web to market their products and services outperform those that don't" says an executive at Verizon, which sponsors an annual small business Internet survey. "The promise of the Internet is starting to pay off.''






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